Archived: How did you die?
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How did you die?
11/20/09 10:55 pm | #1
There are literally hundreds of different ways to be killed across all video games. Whether you got stuck by a sticky 'nade in Halo 3 or failed a song in Guitar Hero, there are plenty of ways the game has of telling you your number is up. Tell us about the last time you kicked the bucket (Virtually speaking, of course)
Re: How did you die?
11/20/09 11:11 pm | #3
MW2, I was getting raped. my KDR went from 1.11 to 1.06 in 2 hours. lol
Re: Re: How did you die?
11/20/09 11:34 pm | #4
Quote by celticfann11:
MW2, I was getting raped. my KDR went from 1.11 to 1.06 in 2 hours. lol
I hear ya on that, yesterday I went from 2.19 to 1.90 or something...
Oh and I died a couple times in Dead Space by running out of air on level 8. Stupid air...
Re: How did you die?
11/20/09 11:35 pm | #5
mike and i got raped on some spec ops.
other than that.... i died in gears 1... but i was boosting lol. comes with the territory.
the FIRST time i died was probably fight night round 3 or oblivion. not really sure.
@ celtic: 1.11 to 1.06 in 2 hours? if only life were that easy! lol
other than that.... i died in gears 1... but i was boosting lol. comes with the territory.
the FIRST time i died was probably fight night round 3 or oblivion. not really sure.
@ celtic: 1.11 to 1.06 in 2 hours? if only life were that easy! lol
Re: How did you die?
11/20/09 11:37 pm | #6
Modern Warfare 2: The campaign mission were you defend Burger Town on veteran. At the end of the mission you have to run to meet up with the convoy after you take out the second Russian chopper. After getting that checkpoint I get killed a few times trying to get to the convoy and the first time I finally make it I get run over by one of the trucks!

Re: How did you die?
11/21/09 12:59 am | #7
I got killed by the Leviathan boss on chapter 6 of dead space. He swatted me with his tentacle.
boy that sounded dirty.
boy that sounded dirty.
Re: How did you die?
11/21/09 1:39 am | #10
Assassins Creed 2. I had just got a view point. I was going to jump off into the bail of hay, but accidentally stepped off and took a 30 story plunge.
Re: Re: How did you die?
11/21/09 1:42 am | #11
Quote by Drunk3nDuffman:
Assassins Creed 2. I had just got a view point. I was going to jump off into the bail of hay, but accidentally stepped off and took a 30 story plunge.
Wow that is totally the last way I died too. It was also the last viewpoint

Re: How did you die?
11/21/09 2:47 am | #14
I tried Mosh Pit in MW2. Needless to say I watched a lot of Killcams. ALOT of killcams!!
Re: How did you die?
11/21/09 3:40 am | #15
i got noob tubed on afghan in MW2. i hate little kids.