Archived: HouseMDfan Reporting from Cyrodiil
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HouseMDfan Reporting from Cyrodiil
10/18/07 3:46 pm | #1
Well as some (maybe all) of you have noticed I\'ve been playin\' the heck out of Oblivion. Aaaaand....my obsession with a certain TV show has elevated to the point of well...making a character in a video game that looks like a character from the show... Can you guess who the following person is?

Re: HouseMDfan Reporting from Cyrodiil
10/18/07 4:17 pm | #2
lol thats great
Re: HouseMDfan Reporting from Cyrodiil
10/18/07 4:43 pm | #3
lmao, o btw im loving the new season
Re: HouseMDfan Reporting from Cyrodiil
10/24/07 7:35 am | #4
Hehe, thanks. It took me like 30 minutes to make it. ^_^;
Re: HouseMDfan Reporting from Cyrodiil
10/24/07 1:19 pm | #5
Foreman comes back. Yes!
Re: HouseMDfan Reporting from Cyrodiil
10/25/07 11:31 am | #6
Re: HouseMDfan Reporting from Cyrodiil
10/25/07 12:30 pm | #7
NO HE'S NOT!!!!!!! Chase was the one I always didn't care much for, he's too much a snitch. Foreman was good for House.
Re: HouseMDfan Reporting from Cyrodiil
10/25/07 3:10 pm | #8
Uhm yeah he is. He keeps saying he doesn't want to be like House, yet he goes and does exactly what House would do while he works at Mercy, getting him fired. He's an idiot and a hypocrite. He should have been sued by Cameron then fired when he stabbed her with the tainted needle.
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