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Archived: Hot Female Gamers & the battle for equality
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Re: Hot Female Gamers & the battle for equality
05/15/08 10:49 pm | #16
Quote by Detreth:
great to hear your opinion on this raine. and just as hektic was saying i couldnt help of thinking about matches where you get all those types of gamer girls in differant rooms.
of course gaming with meg is diff, tons of fun on rsv2.
we're partying on r6v2 now ... lasdjfljkasdfjldfk!!!
Re: Hot Female Gamers & the battle for equality
05/16/08 1:11 am | #17
oh i will totally play as a girl character! i'm down. you should have seen my halo 3 get up. I was all super pink and my girl was like uh uh uh uh!!!!! hahahha
in gta i was ..well... a girl with baggy clothes and a rainbow shirt LOLOLOLO
Re: Hot Female Gamers & the battle for equality
05/16/08 1:12 am | #18
BUT FOR THE MOST PART... I dont' play with random people.. just people on my friends list.. and if they aren't on then i get off

so they already know i'm a girl
Re: Hot Female Gamers & the battle for equality
05/16/08 3:07 am | #19
I love girls.......
Re: Hot Female Gamers & the battle for equality
05/16/08 2:11 pm | #22
Quote by CaptainMayhem88:
nice blog raine, I have a few female gamers of the close to 100 people I have on my list all of whom are over 18 so I don't need to go through half the stuff you talked about in your original post. While I've never ran into a girl in CoD4 I did run into a "feminist" gamer while playing Gears of War, mind you this was after I stopped playing for a little while and was a bit rusty when I started up again. As soon as she entered the room she demanded to be on the COG team instead of the Locust when no one on the COG side moved she picked someone at random to try and belittle guess who she picked. After I told her it didn't matter what team she was on the match started and she pretty much hunted me down I'd get her a few times but she got me more, even telling her that I hadn't played in a good 5-6 months wouldn't shut her up I told her to look at the last achievement I unlocked and she still just thought I sucked. I took a quick look at her profile when I was dead and sure enough in her bio it said "I'm a gamer girl, got a problem?" When I asked her why she would put that as her bio she replied because "men don't think girls play videogames, especially ones that are violent." I then asked her if she really thought acting all tough in game and having that as her bio would help female gamers be treated as equals by men, and as soon as that question was asked she left the room.
hahah i had my bio say i was a Male before so guys would leave me alone, that just made me think of it.. oh and i had a cool guy gamerpic .. i mean after i talked i'd clearly have to say i was like 12

haaaa.. whatever some girls just like attention but after awhile it's just annoying
Re: Hot Female Gamers & the battle for equality
06/17/08 6:08 am | #24
Your Ms. Pacman thing cracked me up. I had a coworker once who went on this rant one time about Ms. Pacman and why she just couldn't be Mrs. Pacman.
Re: Hot Female Gamers & the battle for equality
06/17/08 11:15 am | #25
Sorry y'all, but this blog is the reason I joined XBA! I'm so glad someone brought it back!! I think this is one of the most well written masterpieces I have ever read! Raine is still a dork though!!
Re: Hot Female Gamers & the battle for equality
06/17/08 11:37 am | #26
Thats just because you and her have some kind of weird twisted thing going on, stop kissing ash, lol
I really enjoyed ths thread too though, I only have two girls on my friends list, being Raine and Meglin, but I am not opposed to the idea of having more, i think it would be cool to play with a girl just as it is to play with a guy.
Girls can get fragged just as well as guys, isn't that right meglin?

I dont know what I would do if I was in the same room as one of the attention waffles raine was talking of earlier
Re: Hot Female Gamers & the battle for equality
06/17/08 11:40 am | #27
I cant wait to frag Meg again......only 1 more day!!!
Re: Hot Female Gamers & the battle for equality
06/17/08 11:43 am | #28
Quote by kiddcartel:
Thats just because you and her have some kind of weird twisted thing going on, stop kissing ash, lol
I really enjoyed ths thread too though, I only have two girls on my friends list, being Raine and Meglin, but I am not opposed to the idea of having more, i think it would be cool to play with a girl just as it is to play with a guy.
Girls can get fragged just as well as guys, isn't that right meglin?
I dont know what I would do if I was in the same room as one of the attention waffles raine was talking of earlier
I don't have to ash kiss anymore!! I'm a forking teabagger! I make the rules!! lol
No, I told Raine that if my friend, phatcodylee, would have never read this to me, I would've never even known about this forum!!
Re: Hot Female Gamers & the battle for equality
06/17/08 11:53 am | #29
LoL...it's all good evol, you don't have to admit your secret undying love and affection for raine...LOL...J/K dude, figured I had to say I was just kidding or someone would make a Evol Loves Raine thread...lol
I dont even remember how "I" stumbled upon this site. But I'm glad now
...but even when I started the site...there was STILL threadjacking going on before us
To get back on subject, like I said...I dont have a problem with female gamers, I will have to admit that if i meet a girl that games, she gains a couple of the "hotness points"...Sorry to admit it, lol...just finding a girl gamer is a very rare gem 
Re: Hot Female Gamers & the battle for equality
06/17/08 6:08 pm | #30
I have 5 girls on my friends list. There would be six but after playing matchs for 5-6 days in a row, I sent a friends request and was told that I was CREEPY. Whats up with that!!!
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