Archived: Hi everyone
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Re: Hi everyone
03/17/08 1:50 am | #16
I See, Rainbow Six was my first Xbox Game, so I just gotta pick it up. So guys what kind of things does this site provide? Sorry I'm kind of new to this, I've been in a few clans with forums and stuff, but I've kind of fallen out of that scene.
Re: Hi everyone
03/17/08 5:25 am | #17
Quote by The Teflon Don4:
So guys what kind of things does this site provide?
Primarily, a lot of people come here for their state ranking card. If you want yours, login and hit the User CP link at the top, click Images, and then pick which of the two you would like.
The first one looks very similar to a standard MS gamercard except your gamerpic is overlaid with an inverse silhouette of your state's shape.
The second one looks like the first bar you see in my signature--it has your pic, name, ranking in your state, and 3 most recent titles played.
Besides that, the staff here does a good job of looking up news and posting articles and sometimes editorials, plus anyone can submit a news article (though they review it first). We use the forums to keep each other informed about good deals in buying games and/or hardware, swapping absurd stories, and whispering easy Achievements.
Every now and then, Punisher IV takes time away from his busy schedule of dog-sledding and ice fishing to give us news from the frigid wastes of Alaska

Lately here we've been rallying the troops for what is called "XBA Nights" where we vote on a game to play on Saturday evenings. Last one was Shadowrun with 10 or 11 of us showing up to frag. The polls are open now for next Sat if you'll be available!
My favourite game on 360 is Conan followed closely by Rock Band
Re: Hi everyone
03/17/08 7:21 am | #18
Thanks for the heads up Reverend. Well That all sounds exciting lol, I work Saturday but I'll have the night off, so If I have the Game that wins I'll for sure jump on. Currently trying to be a little point Whore but it's time consuming. Also I'll check out those news articles I was my college's news paper editor and No I'm not a nerd, just like to voice my opinion thought about making that a career but at times it was way too boring. Now I'm majoring in Post Music Production and Editing. Anyone else currently in College, and what is your Major?
Re: Hi everyone
03/17/08 7:56 am | #19
Game & Simulation Development wooowooo, Associate of Applied Sciences first and Bachelor's later. I was doing Business with minor in Philosophy but got sick of management classes real quick, luckily most of the generic pre-req stuff I took applied to new major. When you see Texas Chainsaw Massacre Hero, the world's first rhythm-based FPS (first-person slaughter) on the Xbox720 launch list, you'll know where it came from gwahaha
Be veeery careful becoming a points whore. Once you start down this dark path, difficult to turn back it is
Be veeery careful becoming a points whore. Once you start down this dark path, difficult to turn back it is
Re: Hi everyone
03/17/08 8:19 am | #20
lol it's already too late my friend......