Archived: Hey guys
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
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Hey guys
09/01/07 9:42 pm | #1
Im mikebene from Va, just wanted to say hi and ask a question. How and where do i go about getting on of those gamercards that say what rank you are in your state. Maybe im just overlooking it on this site. Any help would be nice. Thanks guys and nice site btw!
Re: Hey guys
09/01/07 9:46 pm | #2
Hey, welcome!
The images page in the user cp will let you create a horizontal bar or an image thats a spin off the xbox gamercard. Enjoy!
The images page in the user cp will let you create a horizontal bar or an image thats a spin off the xbox gamercard. Enjoy!
Re: Hey guys
09/01/07 10:09 pm | #3
We really need to have a thread in the introduction area that says how to get the gamercards. -.-;
Anyways, welcome.
Anyways, welcome.
Re: Hey guys
09/01/07 10:54 pm | #4
YA and welcome O(

Re: Hey guys
09/01/07 10:57 pm | #5
Quote by mikebene:
Im mikebene from Va, just wanted to say hi and ask a question. How and where do i go about getting on of those gamercards that say what rank you are in your state. Maybe im just overlooking it on this site. Any help would be nice. Thanks guys and nice site btw!
hey welcome what part of VA u from?
Re: Hey guys
09/01/07 10:57 pm | #6
welcome to xba
Re: Hey guys
09/02/07 12:32 am | #7
Welcome to the party pal!!!!!!
Re: Hey guys
09/02/07 12:36 am | #8
welcome to xba
Re: Hey guys
09/02/07 8:57 am | #9
remember if you ever need help on a game drop me a friend request or note!
Re: Hey guys
09/02/07 9:43 am | #10
Re: Hey guys
09/02/07 3:08 pm | #11
Welcome. x_o
Re: Hey guys
09/02/07 3:15 pm | #12
Wow! Very friendly people around here!
Thanks alot for the info that i asked for, much appreciated.
O, and NON GOTHIC, im from the roanoke area. You?
Thanks alot for the info that i asked for, much appreciated.
O, and NON GOTHIC, im from the roanoke area. You?
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