My 360 gamer tag is: DAMIEN 138
Im a 29 year old father of 2. My daughter is 3 and my son is 10 months. Their wonderful mother lets me escape reality here and there to fulfill my need for gaming. I'm heavily addicted to sports and xbox live. I also feel the need to read every gaming mag that comes out, except for Nintendo Power (boring). Although I do own a Wii and love playing it with my Wife.
Games I'm currently playing: Call of Duty 4, World at War, Gears of War 2, NHL 09, Madden 09, APF 2K8, GTA 4, Left 4 Dead, Dead Space, and Midnight Club:LA, NBA 2K9.
xbla: The Dishwasher, Peggle, Geometry Wars 2, Braid, Castle Crashers, and many many more.
I'm always down for some multi-player matches with mature gamers. I'm a big fan of co-op as well.