Archived: Herrrooo
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
08/28/08 12:22 am | #1
Hey I just joined the site and will start caring about my achievements more again since I want to be higher in my state. Grrr. HI EVERYBODY!

Re: Herrrooo
08/28/08 12:28 am | #2
Hi. Welcome to XBA. Help yourself to some crumpets and tea. Try not to feed the trolls. The word waffle must be used in your posts once per month minimum. Thank you. That is all.
Re: Herrrooo
08/28/08 12:30 am | #3
Welcome to XBA
Re: Herrrooo
08/28/08 1:09 am | #5
Welcome to Xba....stick around and there will be plenty of gamer waffles to help with your score. Hell we might even let you live....a..I mean...a..see you on xbox live.
Re: Herrrooo
08/28/08 1:25 am | #6
Way to sucker 'em in with a glimmer of hope TK!!!
Welcome to XBA! We haz free candy and puppies!!!
Welcome to XBA! We haz free candy and puppies!!!
Re: Herrrooo
08/28/08 2:01 am | #7
welcome to XBA
Re: Herrrooo
08/28/08 10:52 am | #9
Quote by theevol1:
Way to sucker 'em in with a glimmer of hope TK!!!
Welcome to XBA! We haz free candy and puppies!!!
Welcome to XBA! We haz free candy and puppies!!!
I don't recall getting candy or a puppy. I feel like I've been gypped.
Anyway, welcome to XBA!!
Re: Herrrooo
08/28/08 11:46 am | #10
Welcome to xba, better squeeze them cheeks tight, people round here get pretty "happy" with new meat, i mean new members

Re: Herrrooo
08/28/08 12:23 pm | #11
Bienvenido al Sitio!
Re: Herrrooo
08/28/08 1:36 pm | #12
hail and welcome to XbA!
Re: Herrrooo
08/28/08 2:51 pm | #13
Re: Herrrooo
08/28/08 4:10 pm | #15
Feel free to dance, but not in front of evol, it arouses him
Feel free to dance, but not in front of evol, it arouses him