Archived: Hello!
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
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07/29/07 12:38 am | #1
My name is Zach Sterling, otherwise known as syztem x. I am 20 years old, and am attending a local technical college to become a Network Administrator. I live in Canton, Ohio...which is home to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. My favorite games include Halo2, Guitar Hero 2, Gears of War, Geometry Wars, and NCAA Football 2008! I have had an Xbox360 since April of 2006. My favorite genre of music is rock and my favorite band is The Fall Of Troy. Nice to meet you too!
Re: Hello!
07/29/07 12:41 am | #2
Welcome to XbA! Glad to have another rock fan on the site.
Re: Hello!
07/29/07 10:39 am | #3
Welcome like UK said glad to have another rock fan!
Re: Hello!
07/29/07 11:54 am | #4
welcome to xba
Re: Hello!
07/29/07 12:47 pm | #5're good at Lumines zapa. I still can't beat challenge mode lol. I really dont play it though...I have gotten to the last skin on challenge mode more than once and then I suddenly turn into a choke artist.
Re: Hello!
07/29/07 1:04 pm | #6
welcome to xba man
Re: Hello!
07/29/07 2:38 pm | #7
Quote by syztem x:'re good at Lumines zapa. I still can't beat challenge mode lol. I really dont play it though...I have gotten to the last skin on challenge mode more than once and then I suddenly turn into a choke artist.
Same here but i dont think i have gottin to the last skin and also welcome
Re: Hello!
07/29/07 3:26 pm | #8
Thank you much! This is hands down the friendliest forum I've posted on yet!
Re: Hello!
07/29/07 4:23 pm | #9
Quote by syztem x:
Thank you much! This is hands down the friendliest forum I've posted on yet!

Re: Hello!
07/29/07 8:23 pm | #10
Welcome to XBA, hope you get to spend a lot of time on the site!!
Re: Hello!
07/30/07 1:57 pm | #11
Oh I will, trust me! I already have fallen in love with this site.
Re: Hello!
07/30/07 3:31 pm | #12
Quote by syztem x:
Oh I will, trust me! I already have fallen in love with this site.
Great, alzapa needs a friend he gets sooooo lonely with just his xbox 360 and all his cats in his small apartment (he has 50 of them all name Mr Jiggles 1,2,3 you get the idea)

Re: Hello!
08/01/07 11:39 pm | #13
Wow, you are too mean! lol. I did seriously laugh out loud about the cat names though.

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