Archived: Halo 3 modding BULL
Posted Under: Blogs
Re: Halo 3 modding BULL
10/02/07 9:58 pm | #16
Microsoft will find them, and perm ban their 360s.

Re: Halo 3 modding BULL
10/02/07 10:58 pm | #17
Quote by Pastafarianism:
That happened to me Sunday night. I don't know if I just had really bad luck, or if I got out my zone, or what. I just was sucking it up. I went down 3 or 4 ranks in Lone Wolves because I just kept losing. I still have my off games like today. I had a few when playing with Non Gothic but I was multitasking then anyways.
I think it's like a slump and it's 100% mental. Once you get out of it you're good to go.
I think it's like a slump and it's 100% mental. Once you get out of it you're good to go.
yea i went in another match and scored 2cd which bumped me to private grade 2. i havent played much ranked matches. i spent all my time findin skulls.
Re: Halo 3 modding BULL
10/03/07 7:41 pm | #18
i am now a lvl 25 in lone wolfs
Re: Halo 3 modding BULL
10/03/07 7:53 pm | #19
Quote by Pastafarianism:
That happened to me Sunday night. I don't know if I just had really bad luck, or if I got out my zone, or what. I just was sucking it up. I went down 3 or 4 ranks in Lone Wolves because I just kept losing. I still have my off games like today. I had a few when playing with Non Gothic but I was multitasking then anyways.
I think it's like a slump and it's 100% mental. Once you get out of it you're good to go.
I think it's like a slump and it's 100% mental. Once you get out of it you're good to go.
ya sorry bout my friend he is really annoying
Re: Halo 3 modding BULL
10/17/07 9:40 pm | #20
I havent seen any modders latly! But i havent been playin Objective though!
Re: Halo 3 modding BULL
10/17/07 9:44 pm | #21
modders and glitchers suck they make other people look bad.
Re: Halo 3 modding BULL
10/17/07 9:46 pm | #22
But they make themselves look even worse because they cant win without doing it!
Re: Halo 3 modding BULL
10/18/07 3:03 pm | #23
its even worse when they glitch and then they lose that makes themselves look even worse
Re: Halo 3 modding BULL
10/23/07 6:31 pm | #25
Quote by CaptainMayhem88:
you should publish the video on the forums mokey..that way I can see that game.
I have the video saved but i dont know how to do that! I dont use their forums! This is the only one i use! O(

Re: Halo 3 modding BULL
10/24/07 9:35 pm | #26
click on the video and go to it and there should be a post on forum option. simple as that bonez.
Re: Halo 3 modding BULL
12/14/07 9:22 am | #27
I played a game of team slayer a couple of weeks ago and i played with standbyers! Me and my friend ended up going into the black screen 5 time and they got 5 extra kills each time! It went away once and right when it did i got assassinated!!! My friend put it in the forums and i dont know what happened to them!