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Archived: Halo 3 Guide

Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Halo 3 Guide
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Battle Tips:

Aim High
Not only does aiming high generally offer a better field of vision, but it's important for targeting the enemy's melon as soon as his shield is depleted. It only takes a few direct hits to down a soldier.

The shield is your most valuable possession. It can absorb most attacks, but once it's depleted, you're just a shot or two away from death. However, if manage to stay out of harm's way for four seconds, it will gradually recharge itself to full potential. While four seconds may sound quick on paper, it's an eternity out on the battlefield.

Grenades: Use Them
Grenades are plentiful in most levels, so don't be afraid to use them. Remember: Most grenades won't explode until after coming to a rest on the ground, so it's important to guage where your targets going to be a second or two from now, and toss the grenade in that location. Even if they dodge it, it may throw them off enough allowing you to shoot them with ease.

Automatic Weapons: Use Short Bursts
When using an automatic weapon, it's important to fire in short bursts, instead of holding down the trigger constantly. You see, the longer the weapon fires, the less accurate it becomes. As such, we suggest squeezing the trigger for a second or two, then immediately release and reengage the trigger. What you lose in firepower, you more than make up for in accuracy.

Screw Reloading, Switch Weapons!
Possessing a secondary firearm is often crucial to success, but many people forget about it in the heat of battle. When your clip empties, slip reloading your primary gun and instead switch to your secondary weapon. This saves precious seconds; seconds that can be used for killing.

Reload that Secondary Weapon!
While it goes without saying you should reload at every available opportunity, many people neglect reloading their secondary weapon. As mentioned in the previous tip, secondary weapons are handy to have at the ready during battle, yet if its clip is running low on ammo, it'll be of little use. Whenever you have some downtime, make sure both weapons are fully reloaded.

Check your Radar
Think back to Driver's Ed; remember how they instructed you to check your mirrors every few seconds? Well, same deal with the radar. Your eyes should constantly be darting between your radar and the main field of vision.

The radar, in essence, provides a 360 view of your environment. Any enemy within a few meters will appear on your radar as a red dot, so long as they're moving swiftly. Of course; it's not very detailed, but it's accurate enough to pinpoint an enemy's exact location. This is why it's crucial to keep an eye on it constantly; being able to tell where an enemy is attacking from in invaluable Intel.

Vanishing Dots!
If you see a dot on your radar suddenly disappear, that means the soldier was either killed, or is simply moving slow, or even standing still. Consult the left side of the screen to quickly see if there were any recent deaths; if not, you know the bugger's still alive.

If you're trying to be sneaky, walk while crouching to avoid appearing on your opponent's radar, due to your slow speed. This is crucial when infiltrating an enemy's base, or trying to avoid being detected

Guide by: Andre Segers
Re: Halo 3 Guide
Xbox America Friend
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Ron Burgundy
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Equipment is a brand new addition to the Halo universe. There are four different equipment items, but you can only hold one at a time.

The Bubble Shield
The Bubble Shield deploys a temporary force field around the player, protecting them from any and all projectiles. However, the field can be breached simply by walking through its exterior.

Grav Lift
Think of the Grav Lift as a portable Man Cannon. It may not be as powerful, but it still provides enough lift to be helpful. Its main purpose is to elevate soldiers over obstacles, such as the fortress wall in Highground. However, it has another, more impressive use: evading vehicles. If you're being hunted down by a Mongoose, Warthog, or Ghost, drop this in front of them just before they hit you to send them flying through the air. They'll likely be so disoriented by their massive jump, a quick counter-attack should be effective.

Power Drain
Think of the Power Drain as the opposite of the Bubble Shield. Instead of protecting you, it will deplete the shield of anyone within its radius; including you. Deploy this when protecting a target, such as flags or planted bombs. This wick considerably weaken the enemy, allowing you to clean up the mess with just a few bullets.

Trip Mine
This proximity mine will explode when an enemy gets near. It can be planted anywhere on the ground, but unfortunately, this mine blinks and emits a loud beeping noise, ensuring this is anything but a stealth weapon. Despite this, a crafty soldier can certainly position it behind objects or around corners to catch the enemy by surprise.

While there's no limit to the amount of these that can be planted at once, the Trip Mine will self-detonate after 90 seconds of inactivity, so it's best to place these in high-traffic areas, such as bases, or corridors.

However, the trip mine's greatest strength is against vehicles. Particularly one that's actively aiming for you. Just before it hits you drop the Trip Mine, then immediately back away to escape the blast radius, then watch the vehicle fly through the air after connecting with the mine.

Tricky Trap
Another great tactic is to use it against a hidden enemy. For instance, if an enemy takes cover behind a rock, drop the mine on the other side than immediately open fire on it to explode it prematurely, taking down the soldier taking cover.

Optic Camo
Okay, so this doesn't technically qualify as equipment, but there's not enough to write about it to ensure its own section, so here it is.

When grabbed, the Optic Camo will immediately make the player translucent for about 15 seconds. However, the camo will not function if you're firing your weapon, so stay stealthy as long as you can!

Guide by: Andre Segers
Re: Halo 3 Guide
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Some halo 2 basics. Also very useful in 3 XD
Re: Halo 3 Guide
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Ron Burgundy
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Ah yes, the trusted Warthog. This all-terrain vehicle can carry both a passenger and a gunner, effectively making it the workhorse of your team. Although its large mass makes it an easy target, it also enables it to steamroll any opponents who dare cross its path.

A new addition: the gunner can detach the turret at anytime and carry it around as a standard weapon. But be careful, as the ammo's no longer unlimited: It has around 200 bullets.

Hijacking tips:
The Warthog can only be hijacked at low speeds, so your best chance of taking control is when it's performing a sharp turn or shortly after it collides with an object. Try to hijack it from the driver's side, otherwise you'll merely hop aboard.

The Mongoose is the Warthog's little brother. It's smaller, faster, and nimbler, but it can only carry a single passenger and lacks any offensive weaponry. This vehicle should only be used to shuttle people from one location to another. Also, unlike the Warthog, its small size does not lend itself well to running over others, so it's best to drive around opponents instead of through them.

Riding Shotgun: A passenger can ride on the back of the mongoose, and can even open fire with any of his standard weapons.

Hijacking Tips: The Mongoose cannot be hijacked, however, you can hop aboard and ride shotgun on an enemy's vehicle.

The Ghost is a single occupant vehicle, but what it lacks in carpooling, it more than makes up for with brute strength. The Ghost is equipped with a rapid-fire, dual-plasma blaster - ideal for taking down almost any foe. In addition, the Ghost can travel at high rates of speed thanks to its thruster, making it ideal for steamrolling over opponents.

The Ghost is unique in that it's able to strafe around targets, unlike the other vehicles. Make use of this when taking on a foe - strafe around them in a circle while pummeling them with plasma.

Hijacking tips:
Although fast, the Ghost is often easier to hijack than you may think. Since many drivers will actively attempt to run you over, try to draw them close to a wall or some other structure. Often, they will plow headfirst into the structure, bringing them to a dead stop, making this an ideal time to dash in and hijack their vehicle.

This latest version of the Banshee has been modified from its Halo 2 incarnation. Although it's now slower, and can only fly down at a slight angle, it has also been bestowed with a missile launcher.

Advanced Tip!
An easy way to score a few kills is to boost along the ground, through any opponents who dare cross your path. Just be careful to avoid scraping the craft along the ground, or hitting any objects, as these can cause serious damage to your ship.

Hijacking tips:
Because the Banshee is an aerial vehicle, it's the toughest vehicle to hijack, thanks to its distance from the ground. As such, you shouldn't actively try to hijack it, but if one gets near, hold down the hijack button continually - who knows, you may just get lucky!

If you're really set on hijacking a Banshee, try to position yourself below it, which will force the driver to drop in altitude after you.

Hijack Help
When playing on a map with Banshees, we suggest holding down the Hijack button when using the Man-Cannon. It may be a long shot, but the Banshee may just cross your path, enabling you to hijack it!

Guide by: Andre Segers
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