Archived: Halo 2 winning streak!
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Halo 2 winning streak!
08/05/07 11:59 am | #1
So me and syztem x were in the chat room and we deicied to go on live when we got there we play some online deathmatch on DOOM(which i am proud to say i am 52 in the world!) and then went onto Marthone and played some co-op! We finished both and got board and decided to play halo 2! So we got on and played slayer after play one really good game us raping the other team! So then we went on and raped for 5 more games in a row make a six game winning streak! It started out that i was a lvl 13 and he was a lvl 20 and we ended at me 17 and him 22!!! So we ended up haveing a good night of gameing!!! =]
Re: Halo 2 winning streak!
08/05/07 12:11 pm | #2
Heck yea, we were rompin' people, especially on desolation. That one marathon level was so confusing though.
Re: Halo 2 winning streak!
08/05/07 12:27 pm | #3
Quote by syztem x:
Heck yea, we were rompin' people, especially on desolation. That one marathon level was so confusing though.
ya and it was gayy too! (stupid control panals!)
Re: Halo 2 winning streak!
08/05/07 2:42 pm | #4
Good job guys
Re: Halo 2 winning streak!
08/05/07 2:48 pm | #5
Thanks! I do get these streaks from time to time, but its really hard anymore with TKers, Standbyers, and not to mention super bouncers. I really hope Halo 3 dosn't have these problems.
Re: Halo 2 winning streak!
08/06/07 5:23 pm | #6
Quote by syztem x:
Thanks! I do get these streaks from time to time, but its really hard anymore with TKers, Standbyers, and not to mention super bouncers. I really hope Halo 3 dosn't have these problems.
Ya im getting sooosick of all of the modders nowadays! me an my friend use to play a lot of double team but we got mad at it because practicaly every other game was a pair of modders!!!

Re: Halo 2 winning streak!
08/06/07 5:32 pm | #7
I'm glad that XBOX makes it a rule for you not to make mods to your system now if we can get rid of glitchers
Re: Halo 2 winning streak!
08/06/07 9:56 pm | #8
I'm glad that XBOX makes it a rule for you not to make mods to your system now if we can get rid of glitchers
Thats inmpossable becuase it would take like 5 years to get a game out without glitchs!
Re: Halo 2 winning streak!
08/06/07 11:42 pm | #9
Still a brother can dream!!!!!!!!
Re: Halo 2 winning streak!
08/07/07 12:52 am | #10
Glitchers are in a nutshell, viruses that cant be eradicated by software by norton, but rather with a .45 p220.
Re: Halo 2 winning streak!
08/07/07 1:27 am | #11
Quote by syztem x:
Glitchers are in a nutshell, viruses that cant be eradicated by software by norton, but rather with a .45 p220.
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