Archived: GoW 2 GDC Trailer
Posted Under: Xbox News
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GoW 2 GDC Trailer
02/20/08 4:50 pm | #1
Yeah, this is just a bit bad-ass....
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Re: GoW 2 GDC Trailer
02/20/08 7:14 pm | #2
Interesting enough
Re: GoW 2 GDC Trailer
02/20/08 8:12 pm | #3
Pretty sick
Wish it woulda had actually gameplay in it ^^
Wish it woulda had actually gameplay in it ^^
Re: GoW 2 GDC Trailer
02/20/08 8:36 pm | #4
Am definitely looking forward to seeing the game in action
And can't wait to actually get my hands on it! I was very surprised by how much I enjoyed the first Gears, I might just preorder 2 to grab whatever novelty paraphernalia they throw in
And can't wait to actually get my hands on it! I was very surprised by how much I enjoyed the first Gears, I might just preorder 2 to grab whatever novelty paraphernalia they throw in
Re: GoW 2 GDC Trailer
02/20/08 10:46 pm | #5
is this hinting at a mini game type thing when two people chain saw?
Re: GoW 2 GDC Trailer
02/21/08 12:41 am | #6
Sin city style kindaaa Marv
Re: GoW 2 GDC Trailer
02/21/08 9:32 am | #7
Nothing looks more bad ass than a reverse chainsaw through the locust's back, and the chainsaw battle. I'd be kinda upset if they put a mini game for that though, it would really take you out of the game if you're constantly taping some random button combo etc.
Re: GoW 2 GDC Trailer
02/21/08 1:47 pm | #9
havent really go in to the gears thing but i will try to give this one a shot
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