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Archived: Gears of War
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Gears of War
03/01/09 6:07 pm | #1
So before I make an event I want to make sure who would be down for it, and when would be the best night.
I need pretty much all of the online achievements for Gears of War, the first one. So I plan on making an event for it so I don't run into an random douche bags, haha...Could make it an XBA thing. Just let me know who would be interested.
Thanks in Advance!
Re: Gears of War
03/01/09 6:07 pm | #2
I'm up for it, as long as I'm not working
Re: Gears of War
03/01/09 6:11 pm | #3
alright well send me a pm with when is best for ya...i have a great connection now...none of that bs i was working with on R6V2....lol
Re: Gears of War
03/01/09 6:14 pm | #4
i have all the online ones except seriously, but i'm still willing to help out. all i need is the last dom achievement. and about that, does anyone know if you have to do it all with one person? cuz if not i should only need act 5. maybe a little of act 4.
Re: Gears of War
03/01/09 6:16 pm | #5
i dont think it matters who you do it with....as long as you play as Dom....I just got done knocking mine out with captain, I can help you out with the dom achievement if you want
does the campaign kills count towards the seriously achievement like in the second one?
Re: Gears of War
03/01/09 6:16 pm | #6
no, unfortunately not kidd.
it's all gotta' be ranked, and after 7K i'm so damn burnt out on the game lol.
Re: Re: Gears of War
03/01/09 6:18 pm | #7
Quote by Noah 9000:
no, unfortunately not kidd. it's all gotta' be ranked.
well if you need help on the capaign just send me a friends request
Re: Gears of War
03/01/09 6:22 pm | #8
sweet man. i appreciate it.
i should be getting FEAR 2 here in a day or two.
if there's anyway to boost it, i'll be able to help you with that too.
Re: Gears of War
03/01/09 6:23 pm | #9
hell yeah man...i haven't even began to jump online with f.e.a.r. 2 so that would be awesome
Re: Gears of War
03/01/09 6:25 pm | #10
yeah i don't know if you're like me, but i usually try and get all the offline achievements in games before touching the MP. this always turns out to be a bad idea though, because by then everyone playing online are badasses and i get toasted lol.
Re: Gears of War
03/01/09 6:26 pm | #11
HAHAHA...yeah, i haven't finished the campaign yet...then i need to run through on hardcore
i dont normally play the MP unless I know the people I'm playing with...usually when i play with random people, i get complete assholes...or little kids pretending to be assholes...lol
Re: Gears of War
03/01/09 6:28 pm | #12
well, i don't know if you played the first FEAR but it had a really great, intelligent community. i just hope it's the same community. wishful thinking, probably.
Re: Gears of War
03/01/09 6:30 pm | #13
yeah i played the first fear once online, it wasn't so bad...i might give it a try sometime than, thanks for letting me know
thats another game i have to pick up...i have all these games to catch up on and i am getting all giddy, lol!
maybe you can help me out with the live achievements for that forking game scene it...lol
Re: Gears of War
03/01/09 6:31 pm | #14
I'll waffle with you bud!
Re: Gears of War
03/01/09 6:33 pm | #15
thanks repo!
awesome...so far we got 4 people...can we get anymore?
send me a pm sometime guys, let me know when is best for you
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