Archived: Gamerscore Whore vs Achievement Whore
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: Gamerscore Whore vs Achievement Whore
07/28/09 7:01 am | #47
I guess I'm more of a Gamerscore person, most games I give a go until it frustrates me or I get bored, then I move on to the next. If I can get at least over 200 pts out of a game, I"m not doing too bad.
Re: Gamerscore Whore vs Achievement Whore
07/28/09 7:35 am | #48
I'm mostly gamerscore. But if I can complete a game, I will.
Re: Gamerscore Whore vs Achievement Whore
07/28/09 7:39 am | #49
Lady Evol is right. I love to 100% games, and Minioger is along the same lines as far as style. (1000/1000 on the Orange Box, anyone?)
The thing is that I won't miss out on a game that I really want, regardless of how many points I may or may not get from it. I got Halo 3, COD4, GTA4, and Fable 2 at midnight on launch. I had no idea what the difficulty of the achievements would be, but I wanted them.
The thing is, Lady will say, "You should play Left 4 Dead. You're missing out on it because you don't want to have it on your profile." Maybe I am. I'm not a big shooter fan, and there's nothing that makes me want to play that game. I don't want to play it enough to bring down my completion percentage.
I love achievements, the sound, and the score, but looking through my played games list and seeing,
History Channel:Civil War 5/1000
Cars 75/1000
The Darkness 45/1000
Just grates at my nerves. Kind of like seeing 960/1000 on NBA Live '06 that I'll NEVER be able to complete.
C'mon EA!! If you want to be jerkoffs and shut down your servers, at least make the online achievements available some other way!
The thing is that I won't miss out on a game that I really want, regardless of how many points I may or may not get from it. I got Halo 3, COD4, GTA4, and Fable 2 at midnight on launch. I had no idea what the difficulty of the achievements would be, but I wanted them.
The thing is, Lady will say, "You should play Left 4 Dead. You're missing out on it because you don't want to have it on your profile." Maybe I am. I'm not a big shooter fan, and there's nothing that makes me want to play that game. I don't want to play it enough to bring down my completion percentage.
I love achievements, the sound, and the score, but looking through my played games list and seeing,
History Channel:Civil War 5/1000
Cars 75/1000
The Darkness 45/1000
Just grates at my nerves. Kind of like seeing 960/1000 on NBA Live '06 that I'll NEVER be able to complete.

Re: Gamerscore Whore vs Achievement Whore
07/28/09 8:55 am | #50
Quote by Bovice63:
and sworn never to play that game only because of the thought of not being able to obtain 1000 gamerscore in it.
All i can say is WOW! really?
Re: Gamerscore Whore vs Achievement Whore
07/28/09 10:09 am | #51
Wow Norris, the darkness was an awesome game full of gut wrenching plot twists. One of the best endings of any game I've ever played.
Re: Re: Gamerscore Whore vs Achievement Whore
07/28/09 10:32 am | #52
Quote by theevol1:
The thing is, Lady will say, "You should play Left 4 Dead. You're missing out on it because you don't want to have it on your profile." Maybe I am. I'm not a big shooter fan, and there's nothing that makes me want to play that game. I don't want to play it enough to bring down my completion percentage.
L4D is hard hard 1000, but possible.
nothing special is excessively hard and next time I get the game I plan to get it with a friend...