by the looks of it the halo 2 tournament was successful as far as regulating it goes but as an AGP halo 1 tournament finalist and a MLG enthusiast (not saying the MLG gametypes are amazing..just the way they run the tournaments) i think that the settings you guys played were...well a bit..lame? to put it nicely...acsension was a good map choice for FFA but waterworks? zanzibar is alright too but the time limit was absurdly long...well now its time for some positive criticizism! lol
in the future i think (as far as FFA tournaments go) it should be the first person to 25 or 50 gets first place obviously and their points and who ever gets 2nd 3rd 4th etc gets their points respectively also..the maps for FFA should be small not amazingly big like waterworks...ivory tower, turf, warlock, ascension, etc those are the maps you should play FFA
the max. people in a FFA should be 10...12 if u wanna push it a little bit but at any rate these are just loose idea's and i dont wanna preach to the choir anymore than i have so if people would like to hear more of my suggestions you guys will ask

and for the heck of it ill throw in a poll for people who think im HEADED in the right direction with my ideas..
~A F 1 G 3~
::EDIT:: eh so i kinda rigged the poll with the option of YES only...i run a dictatorship..haha jk i cant edit the poll and i messed up soo zoboa please edit the poll so the options are Yes No and Eh, sorta