good gaming guys
Archived: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #4
Posted Under: 360 Talk
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Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #4
02/10/09 5:55 pm | #166
ha still in the top ten! to al the suckas i beat! good luck next time lol (just kidding)
good gaming guys
good gaming guys
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #4
02/10/09 7:44 pm | #167
I'm happy with 3rd. I will return to get a victory though.
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #4
02/11/09 8:34 am | #168
hahahaha! I totally was out of it yesterday... Didn't even know I lost. Considering I brought out the sports waffle, you really threw down to beat me!!!
Congrats Noah!!!!!
Congrats Noah!!!!!
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #4
02/11/09 8:58 am | #169
thanks man!
NBA 2K6 is a beast. one hell of a last resort! i did my research!
i actually enjoyed it, too. maybe i'll have to continue this sport thing in the future...
NBA 2K6 is a beast. one hell of a last resort! i did my research!
i actually enjoyed it, too. maybe i'll have to continue this sport thing in the future...