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Archived: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #13
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Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #13
04/07/09 10:04 pm | #31
got 21 of 22 achieves on Shrek. when i get the will i will earn the last 60 points for the survivor shrek achieve.
Currently at +310
and am starting Godfather 2 to check it out. I also have Eragon and chronicles of riddick sitting here.
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #13
04/07/09 10:26 pm | #32
List updated.
Im +165
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #13
04/07/09 10:36 pm | #33
Hax... Do I have to say what I'm + until the 14th?
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #13
04/07/09 11:26 pm | #34
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #13
04/08/09 1:39 am | #36
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #13
04/08/09 1:55 am | #37
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #13
04/08/09 3:55 am | #38
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #13
04/08/09 7:35 am | #39
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #13
04/08/09 10:39 am | #40
Updated. Now up to 16 people.
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #13
04/08/09 11:18 am | #41
Do you guys ever make the challenges on 360 voice?
I'll sign up. I'm at 34,670.
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #13
04/08/09 11:23 am | #42
Nope, we always hold the competitions here.
List updated
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #13
04/08/09 7:40 pm | #44
Re: Friendly Gamerscore Competition #13
04/08/09 7:46 pm | #45
alright dammit i had a good post and was in the middle of typing it in the JuniorMT defense thread lol
I'm not gunna get in on this weeks FGC cuz my internet is still a bit wonky, hopefully it will be better next week. Here is the post i had in progress for that thread.
In the 4 that i have won no one has accused me of cheating... BUT.... and this is a BIG BUT. I have been accused of cheating/gamesaving and what not. Don't let the little people get to you if you really are cheating then microsoft will weed you out and label you as a cheater. Ranting about this in a thread is only gunna cause drama and there has been enough of that in the past. this picture sums up internet arguments.
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