Well, I decided to try out the Darkness so I rented it. (Somehow Blockbuster had the Darkness but no Harry Potteranywho) And I must say I rather enjoyed it. I ended up beating it on normal, but I returned it before I could finish the hard difficulty. I had fun playing it, the storyline was DEFINITELY something new and interesting. If you havent heard of it (in which case, shame on you!) then I suggest you check it out poste haste.

And something that was even more endearing was the way they handled the loading screens. Instead of seeing that boring screen that says loadingplease wait you have the main characterJackie giving you information about his life, or the location youre entering, or the people you go up against throughout the game. A very nice touch I personally think more games should employ. The little scenes only repeated once or twice in my experience. So that wasnt too bad.

The only complaint I have is the little glitches you sometimes come across. The characters you would look at in certain scenes would suddenly sink halfway into the floor or turn into a model with arms held out wide like a squadron of spitfires parked on the runway and theyd spin around. I wonder if Im the only one that experienced that, and if not I hope they come out with a patch for that. Because other than that I have no REAL complaints about this game. The gameplay is solid in my opinion, and the story is intriguing, you want to know what happens next and you actually care about the character(s). Though the ending is a letdown considering its partially an interactive scene. Ah well.

I give this game a 9.5/10