Quote by Pastafarianism:
I suck at combat. I'm not kidding... I'm horrible. I tried the Arena thing and I could only beat the first fight, and still had to use a regular health potion, and a weak one.
I have all steel chainmail (light armor), a guards helmet (light armor), steel shield (heavy armor i think), and a silver longsword. Seriously, everyone owns me. I'm horrible. Blade, marksman (i have a fine steel bow and steel arrows), and light armor are some of my major skills. Every time I level up I put stength as one of the ones to up. I'm no good at magic, but I use my heal spell alot.
I don't know if I suck because I don't know how to fight with my character, or my character's skills suck. I'm level 9, but mostly because of my sneak and security skills.
Maybe I'll just pay big gold bucks to get trained a bunch of times by the guy at the fighter's guild.
Any suggestions?
I sucked at fighting too, until I learned how to use my shield (blocking skills) and fighting skills properly.
The big one was to just lightly tap the button when you take a swing. It will do something like a jab in FN3. It is quick and does damage, but doesn't let your opponent have a free shot at you. If you press and hold the button, the guy throws something akin to a haymaker, but is taking a real big and long swing with your weapon. If it connects, it will do a ton of damage, but you leave yourself open to attack big time.
Also, while two-handed weapons are nice and do more damage, they hurt yong characters becuase you can't equip a shield.