Sticky: Favorite TV series?
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Quote by BeaverHunter:

^This! BTW anyone who likes this show is pretty much a pussy magnet, and is thereby cool in my book.
Shortly followed by anything on the History, Science, Discovery, Military, channels and Comedy Central. And before i forget, The Whitest Kids You Know!
Quote by Lady Evol:
Quote by IRiSH:
Yeah, it's about time there was a decent show on Tuesday... I've been loving a bunch of new shows this season... I think my favorite brand new show is Cougartown lol. I'm recording V, hopefully it's as good as it looks!
I had netflix send me the old mini-series and watched it a couple weeks ago. There is one other really good show on tuesdays -Sons of Anarchy on FX but it's well into the second season now. So far my favorite new shows are Flashforward, Modern Life and HBO's Bored to Death. I'm sure Evol would love FX's new comedy series that's on after It's Always Sunny in Philly, called The League. It's about a group of buddies who are all in the same fantasy football league. The season premiere was last thursday.
Quote by Lady Evol:
Flashforward is really good if you're into the intrigue/conspiracy type shows. It's the only new drama I've been watching untilV started tonight. They're six weeks into it and it's definitely one of those shows that you'll want to watch from the beginning so I'd suggest you look for em on Xtorrent.
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