Archived: Favorite Perk in CoD4
Posted Under: Gaming
Favorite Perk in CoD4
09/11/07 11:12 am | #1
Whats your favorite perk in the beta XD
Re: Favorite Perk in CoD4
09/11/07 11:16 am | #2
Haven't had a chance to try it out yet, but that may change today.
Re: Favorite Perk in CoD4
09/11/07 11:27 am | #3
steady shot.
Re: Favorite Perk in CoD4
09/11/07 11:31 am | #4
Hochulis you should come play beta with me and katie, well give you the run through on it XD
Re: Favorite Perk in CoD4
09/11/07 11:37 am | #5
Hehehe. Just don't be on the other team or I'll "204" you.
Re: Favorite Perk in CoD4
09/11/07 11:38 am | #6
ROFL, ya Katie is NASTY with that "204" She might make you her little .. . . . .. . Errand boy?
Re: Favorite Perk in CoD4
09/11/07 11:41 am | #7
Yes...... errand boy....>_>
Re: Favorite Perk in CoD4
09/11/07 11:52 am | #8
Lol i had to leave the room for interpretation Lol
Re: Favorite Perk in CoD4
09/11/07 11:54 am | #9
Yes, indeed. Hehhe. I can't remember all the perks right now.
Re: Favorite Perk in CoD4
09/11/07 11:55 am | #10
I LOVE Deep impact....
ROFL, sorry i had to.
Nah my fav is probobly Stopping Power
ROFL, sorry i had to.
Nah my fav is probobly Stopping Power
Re: Favorite Perk in CoD4
09/11/07 11:57 am | #11
Yeah stopping power is good. I usually use Deep Impact for my RPD. XD
Re: Favorite Perk in CoD4
09/11/07 12:00 pm | #12
Re: Favorite Perk in CoD4
09/11/07 12:01 pm | #13
I definitely prefer the RPD over the SAW.
Re: Favorite Perk in CoD4
09/11/07 12:04 pm | #14
The slower rate of fire makes it ALOT easier to be accurate