Quote by PSORaine:
It's okayyy... it's not the greatest... I'm not crazy about the art style... or the voice acting... cockney grates. And it's pretty limited dialogue... kind of like the old RPGs where every time you talked to an npc they said the same thing... these people cycle between like... 3 things... and they all say the same stuff... IDK... Fallout is going to be a lot better, so that's why I'm not TOO thrilled that Fable came out first.
im going to do all my kills in the cutscene stuff lol....wanna see a shotty or whatever i have

wonder how the achieves will be...easy, hard, kinda both, all medium-ish..or what
the only thing i dont like is that you have to eat to stay alive and stuff...which is....idk, kinda meh
but i like how you can change the cam from fps, to ots, to tps...be in fps for most of the game, but ill go tps in case i wanna check for enemies or whatever around a corner