Quote by System:
I knew it was only a matter of time before this shop got opened back up. Good luck, Junior.
As to everyone who I owe/owed sigs to, I'm truly sorry I did not make your sigs. I didn't purposely bail out. Over the last few months my sickness has gotten worse. I'm barely on line anymore, and the majority of my time has been spent between college, and well, being sick honestly. Again, I'm truly sorry to those requests I was not able to make. 
You know system, you have always done a great job and seriously, need to get yourself better.
I am on there side of the boat, and have very bad physical problems. It looks like I will be getting back surgery again soon. I can barely walk, but force myself too. I also do not taking prescriptions such as morphine and stuff for my pain, as I hate narcotics, but have to in order to make it through the day. Trust me, I wish I could just throw the meds away.
I hope you get better soon sir, and finish college perfectly.
Thanks again System