Archived: Did You Buy armor for your avatar
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Re: Did You Buy armor for your avatar
08/12/09 6:48 pm | #31
I think by weapon they mean firearms!!!! I know that the lightsaber is definately considered a weapon so I think that they now have a very shady double standard for what they consider a weapon! I am knida irritated about this because I really want a lancer for my avatar. Oh well....
Re: Re: Did You Buy armor for your avatar
08/12/09 7:37 pm | #32
Quote by bonedaddy83:
I think by weapon they mean firearms!!!! I know that the lightsaber is definately considered a weapon so I think that they now have a very shady double standard for what they consider a weapon! I am knida irritated about this because I really want a lancer for my avatar. Oh well....
A lancer would be pretty awesome
Re: Did You Buy armor for your avatar
08/12/09 7:43 pm | #33
i haven't had a chance to look at the armor yet, but i'm fighting the urge to buy the fable 2 highway man getup. it looks pretty sweet, but that's more cash than i'd like to spend.
still waiting for my fallout armor / steelers gear!
oh and jen bought the bioshock doll. HEE HEE!
still waiting for my fallout armor / steelers gear!
oh and jen bought the bioshock doll. HEE HEE!
Re: Re: Re: Did You Buy armor for your avatar
08/12/09 7:43 pm | #34
Quote by xThExCrImInAlx:
Quote by bonedaddy83:
I think by weapon they mean firearms!!!! I know that the lightsaber is definately considered a weapon so I think that they now have a very shady double standard for what they consider a weapon! I am knida irritated about this because I really want a lancer for my avatar. Oh well....
A lancer would be pretty awesome
Well being that its not commonly used as a gun, you know just that vacuum/chainsaw why would they have a problem with a few household items
Re: Did You Buy armor for your avatar
08/12/09 8:34 pm | #35
You know if they change their tune and release weapons they will be like 800-1600ms pts, Its a profit scam!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Did You Buy armor for your avatar
08/14/09 2:18 am | #36
I finally broke down and got the Cog armor for my avatar... I know I am a consumer whore!!! Oh god why do I love Gears of War soooooooooooo much?!?!??!?!?!?!
Re: Did You Buy armor for your avatar
08/14/09 2:34 am | #37
I'm definely going to buy outfits for my avatar. We need to support microsoft when they offer stuff like this. If we don't , they won't bother wasting there time with these updates any more.
Re: Did You Buy armor for your avatar
08/14/09 2:47 am | #38
Cmon they can atleaat add a plasma pistol, it shoulnt be considered a weapon! It does like no damage!! I mean the necklace is more dangerous, it could strangle someone!
Re: Did You Buy armor for your avatar
08/14/09 2:51 am | #39
Whats up with the chicken and the pulley? I can understand the rubber chicken but that wheel throws me off. Talk about lame.
Re: Re: Did You Buy armor for your avatar
08/14/09 2:52 am | #40
Quote by Intense Element:
Whats up with the chicken and the pulley? I can understand the rubber chicken but that wheel throws me off. Talk about lame.
I think its from the monkey island items
Re: Did You Buy armor for your avatar
08/14/09 2:56 am | #41
that makes since, I never played the game. The props are cool, but kinda pricey.
Re: Re: Did You Buy armor for your avatar
08/14/09 2:57 am | #42
Quote by Intense Element:
Whats up with the chicken and the pulley? I can understand the rubber chicken but that wheel throws me off. Talk about lame.
in the game you use it to cross a zip line.
Secret of monkey Island that is.
Re: Re: Did You Buy armor for your avatar
08/14/09 3:22 am | #44
Quote by Lord Aldemar:
I bought me a Stealth Suit. XD
And of course my epic Q-Tip.
And of course my epic Q-Tip.
Q-tip is funny lol Stealth suit is nice though