Archived: Coffee
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11/04/06 6:06 am | #1
SAves my life
Re: Coffee
11/04/06 7:27 am | #2
That's nice.
Re: Coffee
11/04/06 8:06 am | #3
I only like the smell............. but I'm young
Re: Coffee
11/04/06 8:31 am | #4
its sad, but coffee owns my life to.
Re: Coffee
11/04/06 9:21 am | #5
I'm a Diet Moutain Dew guy myself.......
Re: Coffee
11/04/06 9:53 am | #6
Quote by zoboa:
I'm a Diet Moutain Dew guy myself.......
in the morning?!
I like milk, Snapple diet peach iced tea, lemonade, limeade, pepsi, dr. pepper, and homemade smoothies.
Re: Coffee
11/04/06 10:11 am | #7
Quote by Pastafarianism:
in the morning?!
I like milk, Snapple diet peach iced tea, lemonade, limeade, pepsi, dr. pepper, and homemade smoothies.
I like milk, Snapple diet peach iced tea, lemonade, limeade, pepsi, dr. pepper, and homemade smoothies.
Oh Hell yeah. 20 oz every norning with my breakfast (at my office).
Re: Coffee
11/04/06 10:25 am | #8
z, i like mountain dew, but not before 11am lol.. i usually have some coffee every other day
Re: Coffee
11/04/06 10:56 am | #9
Mountain dew is actually one of the few sodas I don't like.
Re: Coffee
11/04/06 11:15 am | #10
Quote by Pastafarianism:
Mountain dew is actually one of the few sodas I don't like.
I have 360 reasons to like it even more

Re: Coffee
11/04/06 12:13 pm | #11
Quote by zoboa:
I have 360 reasons to like it even more 

every 10 minutes winner huh

well I love Mountain dew during the day, but diet mountain dew yuk...
Re: Coffee
11/04/06 12:23 pm | #12
Quote by alzapa:
every 10 minutes winner huh
I entered close to 500 caps and still did not win
I went to a Columbus crew and asked all the food stands to save me there mountain dew caps and they did
250 caps in one night!
well I love Mountain dew during the day, but diet mountain dew yuk...

well I love Mountain dew during the day, but diet mountain dew yuk...
Wow that's pretty sweet that they'd do that...
Re: Coffee
11/04/06 1:32 pm | #13
i should have thought of that, good idea zapa
Re: Coffee
11/04/06 2:46 pm | #14
Wow so many replies. I couldnt sleep last night, and had to work at 6:00 AM. So, I got no sleep, and still havent. The only thing that got me through the day was a big cup of cofee and 2 Red Bulls....sooooo healthy!
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