Re: CliffyB Sounds Off on Gears of War Movie Casting
11/06/07 11:36 pm | #16
Burnt Waffle
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Bronze Waffle
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In other news: writes: "November 15, 2002 was the official launch date of Xbox LIVE in North America. This November, we're very excited about the 5th anniversary of Xbox LIVE".
Re: CliffyB Sounds Off on Gears of War Movie Casting
11/07/07 9:00 pm | #18
Burnt Waffle
This user has achieved a gamerscore of 25,000 or higher.
Bronze Waffle
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So Here is Marcus Fenix:
Evreybody is saying names but nobody really knows the guys (sometimes) so I decided to help the uncultured people by giving them a ride from star to star.
First stop The Rock,WWE superstar and moviestar is the perfect blend between personality and muscle.
TV's series Rome actor, Ray Stevenson on the new Punisher Movie- Punisher II:War Zone.
With a little help from the GYM, Clive Owen is perhaps the guy that looks alike and has a bad guy air on him.
Sin City Guy Marv.
And the last card was presented by zoboa, and he got the best guy to play Marcus,Patrick Warburton also the Tick:
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