We're proud to announce next week's content for DLC - Red Hot Chili Pepper's Blood Sugar Sex Magik full album. One track from this album Give It Away is available on the Rock Band 2 disc.
Album: Blood Sugar Sex Magik
The Power of Equality
If You Have to Ask
Breaking the Girl
Funky Monks
Suck My Kiss
I Could Have Lied
Mellowship Slinky in B Major
The Righteous & The Wicked
Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Under the Bridge
Naked in the Rain
Apache Rose Peacock
The Greeting Song
My Lovely Man
Sir Psycho Sexy
They're Red Hot
The full album of Blood Sugar Sex Magik will be available for $19.99 (1600 Microsoft Points). Each track will also be available for $1.99 individually (160 Microsoft Points). The album will be available on Tuesday, September 30th on Xbox 360, and Thursday, October 2nd on PS3.
Archived: Chili Peppers full album on Rock Band this week
Posted Under: Xbox News
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Chili Peppers full album on Rock Band this week
09/29/08 7:55 am | #1
This is one Rock Band download I have been waiting for, the full album DLC of the Red Hot Chili Pepper's Blood Sugar Sex Magik. While $20 (1600 MS Points) might be a bit steep for the full album, I will definitely pick up about half of these individually including (160 MS points) Under the Bridge. You can pick these up from Xbox Live on Tuesday 9/30. Check out the announcement below straight from the Rock Band official forum:
Re: Chili Peppers full album on Rock Band this week
09/29/08 8:00 am | #2
OH SHIT! That is a great album!!
WOW! That is pretty pricey though.
WOW! That is pretty pricey though.

Re: Chili Peppers full album on Rock Band this week
09/29/08 8:18 am | #3
That is pretty pricey, but it is a pretty sweet album. I'm with Z; I will be picking up a bunch of these individually.
Re: Chili Peppers full album on Rock Band this week
09/29/08 8:47 am | #4
I thought Breaking the girl was one of the Chili's coolest songs!! I'm glad they picked this album! It reminds me of high school!
Re: Chili Peppers full album on Rock Band this week
09/30/08 7:25 pm | #5
Well it's expensive because theirs what, 17 song on the album? (Including Give it away).
Re: Chili Peppers full album on Rock Band this week
10/01/08 12:14 am | #7
i'm not that into chili peppers but their best song is Higher Ground.

Re: Chili Peppers full album on Rock Band this week
10/01/08 1:41 am | #8
I'd rather have one of the Stadium Arcadium discs, but this is good too. Any Red Hot Chili Peppers is better than no Red Hot Chili Peppers.
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