Archived: Castle Crashers
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Re: Castle Crashers
08/29/08 5:04 pm | #2
I just bought the game today and it is definately worth the 15 dollar price point. The only gripe i have with it right now is that it is difficult or impossible to find a multiplayer match of any kind. Im pretty sure theyll fix it soon.
Re: Castle Crashers
08/29/08 5:50 pm | #3
Have it and love it. Let me know and i'll start a room so we can play..
Re: Castle Crashers
09/01/08 1:59 am | #4
Ya I've seen a lot of people playing it but I don't really know what it is or anything... I might have to play the trial.
Re: Castle Crashers
09/01/08 5:07 am | #5
Love it! Very fun game.
Re: Castle Crashers
09/01/08 7:01 am | #6
Love the trial, plan to d/l full version this weekend when I get paid.
Re: Castle Crashers
09/01/08 11:46 am | #7
I was looking at the screenys and it looked amazing, once I get some MS points ill definately be picking it up.
Re: Castle Crashers
09/01/08 12:30 pm | #8
my friend would have to go in on it to. I don't want to be "all by my self"
Re: Castle Crashers
09/01/08 12:38 pm | #10
well, later on todya im going to get the trial form and try it out. but i have to ask
what kind of game is it?
whats the point/storyline?
co-op campaign possible (as in over XBL not local)
wtf are the lil people dudes w/ the cross faces?
what kind of game is it?
whats the point/storyline?
co-op campaign possible (as in over XBL not local)
wtf are the lil people dudes w/ the cross faces?
Re: Castle Crashers
09/01/08 12:45 pm | #12
The little dudes are knights. It's kind of like the old school co-op brawler like streets of rage or final fight!
You can kinda of treat it like TMNT arcade or the simpsons arcade game too!
You can kinda of treat it like TMNT arcade or the simpsons arcade game too!
Re: Castle Crashers
09/01/08 12:59 pm | #13
Quote by PSORaine:
lol you have that as your gamer pic and you haven't played the demo? hahahaha. do arcade games have storylines? the cool thing about this game is the 4 player coop, taco!!!
Quote by theevol1:
The little dudes are knights. It's kind of like the old school co-op brawler like streets of rage or final fight!
You can kinda of treat it like TMNT arcade or the simpsons arcade game too!
You can kinda of treat it like TMNT arcade or the simpsons arcade game too!
@raine - i have the blue dude as my pic cause he r teh awesomeness

@evol - ok then..i guess i can get a hang of this. is it fun? if my moms friend pays me today (i made a "swear jar" and he owes me 20$ from swaering from like 3 going to start doing it every week

Re: Castle Crashers
09/01/08 1:01 pm | #14
I thought the trial was fun, but I am on XBLA strike and refuse to pay 1200 points for anything! lol