Quote by CaptainMayhem88:
see the stupid thing about the whole bringng your charlieoscardelta.com account over to callofduty.com was that I tried about a dozen times to migrate the account but it always said I was using the wrone password even though I knew it was the correct one. Anyway lou was nice enough to give me his code and I've enjoyed the beta so far, there are a few things that need to be addressed before the game launches such as the incredible immunity the attack dogs have to knives as well as bullets. So what does everyone that's gotten in think of it so far?
really? thats how i kill them O-o by knifing..
or i use a shotgun (played war today, shotty good for close encounter lol

blow them away...
till i get gow2, and see how THEIR shotty is..hopefully its been a bit more nerfed, as the total ownage in gow was annoying at first, and usually is..