I just wanted to start this off talkin about a little problem i have.across the street from where i work, is this alley. Oh, i would say there are about 10 or so bums (or my name for em':Toothless Vomit bags). anyways these guys are not very bright. every single day we'll get the guy who asks for ice.(we dont have fountain drinks).Does he hope that one day we'll get an ice machine.maybe his memory is bad. they come in asking for food, napkins, to use the bathroom(hell no your not taking a shower in my sink!).Maybe i'm too mean or rude about it, but if you give them something,they're like cats. they keep coming back for more, which makes me wonder if a couple of my managers are giving stuff away when im not around. I dont know what there story is, or how they became bums, but from what i see they dont do anything to better themselves, maybe thats why im so hard on them. i allways see them pullin off some scam to benefit themselves for all the wrong reasons. They have this wheel chair that sits back in the alley, i've seen perfect walkin bums play hurt to get whatever. I've also seen them trying to pimp out the (what appears to be) woman bum for money, alcohol and drugs. Yes, very gross but one of the things i have to deal with.(fun for me)Is my thought process wrong? am I too harsh to these walking zombie barf bandits? I was taught at a young age that if i want something or if i want to live comfortable then i need to work and make a living for MYSELF!
Well off that soapbox.(that was better than therapy!lol.)I was able to join in on the COD4 beta and now i've been playing some of the battlefields:bad company beta.Its a fun experience, kinda like a cross between COD4 and Frontlines.BUT there are a slew of things that need work, just an example; it takes more than a few bullets from an assault rifle to take someone down, but when you make a jump that isnt too bad, 1/4 of your health is gone. i'm not gonna lie, its hella fun to get in a boat and all the other vehicles(tanks,choppers,buggys,ect.)In a match the other day i ran up on someone and stabbed him to death. It said that i captured that players dogtags.(cool i guess) as of right now i will say that Call Of Duty 4 has nothing to worry about up untill Gears2 and even then I'm being nice,cause COD4 is the best all around MP experience i've ever had.
I also had the chance to play Bully. i agree with most of what Mayo(great review, bro) says, i had one little (ok big!) mishap, when after 3 hours of not saving it froze on me! (i know, my fault!) but overall a very fun game and to me, just a warm up for when the big daddy hits the shelves(GTA4)
Well Xbox American nation, untill next time I am out!