These photos were taken by John Porcaro of Gamerscoreblog:
This picture can be seen on this page of Gamerscoreblog under the "Bloggers and Podcasters hang out at the Community Room" title. The photo is the top left picture.

The top left picture is a photo of (left to right) HellraiserGn, Zoboa and Falcon GN outside the Microsft Community Center inside the MS press tent at CES.
This picture can be seen on this page of Gamerscoreblog under the "Xbox Community at CES" section. It is the photo all the way to the right.

The photo is of (from left to right) Ben Berry (Writer at Gaming Nexus), Falcon GN, Major Nelson (Larry Hryb) and Zoboa. This was taken outside outside the Microsoft Community Center inside the MS press tent at CES.

(L-R) Falcon GN, Major Nelson, Zoboa and Ben Berry (GaminNexus Writer) outside the Microsoft Community Center inside the MS press tent at CES. Photo taken by Chris Paladino of Gamerscoreblog and the Xbox Community Team.

(L-R) Zoboa, John Porcaro (Gamerscoreblog), John Rodman (Microsoft) and Chris Paladino (Gamerscoreblog) in the Microsoft Community booth inside the CES Central hall at the Las Vegas Convention center. Photo taken by Falcon GN.

Shot of the Guitar Hero II demo set up in the Microsoft Booth at CES. The guitar is being held by a MS PR employee off picture. Photo taken by Zoboa.

Falcon GN giving Guitar Hero II a run through at the Microsoft Xbox 360 section of the MS booth at CES. Photo by Zoboa.

Photo of screen of Xbox 360 Guitar Hero II being played at Xbox 360 Demo at the MS booth. Photo by Zoboa.

HellraiserGN testing out the GH II controller at the MS appointment. Photo by Zoboa.
The next five photos are all by Zoboa and closeups of the buttons on the GH II controller for the Xbox 360:

Photos of several different faceplates on display at the Xbox 360 section of the MS booth. Photos are a bit dark due to back lighting issues. Taken by Zoboa.

Full display

Blue Dragon


Tom Clancy Collage

Thanks for Playing - Launch team 2006