Archived: Article: CES 2008: Samsung Press Conference?
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Article: CES 2008: Samsung Press Conference?
01/07/08 2:23 am | #1
Well, after hightailing it over to the Venetian/Sands at 1:00 p.m. for the 2:00 p.m. Samsung press conference, we were herded into a line longer than any since my graduation ceremony from The Ohio State University. The line was out the door of the conference room and all the way down the hall, turned the corner and went all the way down THAT hall and turned the corner again. Needless to say, Chuck and I were within 20 feet and 30 people of getting in when they went to one-out-one-in and we were forced to abandon the press conference. Hopefully we will have better luck during our Booth Tour on Wednesday. Check out a pic of the line as we turned the final corner, but were still several hundred people from the entrance.
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