Archived: Apple to buy EA?
Posted Under: Gaming
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Re: Apple to buy EA?
05/05/09 4:37 pm | #2
this could be a good thing for the 360 and a bad thing seeing as they close their servers all the time lol
Re: Apple to buy EA?
05/05/09 5:01 pm | #3
It seems like a stretch, but I'd really like this. I'm sure Macs would get more releases. Plus, with all the cash Apple has in its pockets I'm sure it could do wonders with EA.
Re: Apple to buy EA?
05/05/09 6:52 pm | #5
I can see it now.. "Hi I'm EA" "Hey I'm Take 2!!!! *Some random hippy*"
Re: Apple to buy EA?
05/05/09 7:01 pm | #6
Maybe more EA apps for Iphone/Itouch? Burnout Paradise on my ipod

Re: Apple to buy EA?
05/05/09 9:09 pm | #7
Ya i would love some EA apps 4 my ipod touch. But the thing that would worry me is the xbox 360 and its EA games. I dont think Apple would want to support micrcosoft after what Gates said. " no one in the Gates is alowwed to have any product acosiated with Apple"
Re: Apple to buy EA?
05/05/09 9:13 pm | #8
Maybe Apple could fix EA's shitty servers >.>
Re: Re: Apple to buy EA?
05/05/09 11:35 pm | #10
Quote by Legendary Hoax:
Maybe Apple could fix EA's shitty servers >.>
Hell yes! Maybe Apple will pony up for the rights to do MLB again. I can't stand the 2K baseball games. That's the only thing I miss about my PS2 and I'm not going out to pick up a PS3 anytime soon for just for MLB The Show.
Re: Apple to buy EA?
05/06/09 11:15 am | #13
go APPLE!!!!!!!
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