Archived: Anyone else gonna be broke this holiday?
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: Anyone else gonna be broke this holiday?
07/20/08 10:06 am | #2
Well damn, good luck I'm getting a job this week.
Re: Anyone else gonna be broke this holiday?
07/20/08 10:14 am | #3
I started putting money away for this fall. If you save $150 a month starting june-sept you have a 600.00 to start the fall\winter madness.. GL

Re: Anyone else gonna be broke this holiday?
07/20/08 11:27 am | #4
I will be most likely getting only numbers 4,10,11,14,15, and 16 the others I'll just have to see what they get
Re: Anyone else gonna be broke this holiday?
07/20/08 11:34 am | #5
For me, just 5, 10, 11, 15. I might spring for one more, depending on which looks good after the dust settles. Five games will definitely be breaking my bank though...
Re: Anyone else gonna be broke this holiday?
07/20/08 11:59 am | #7
1,5,8,10,and 15 for me! I.U. is another one on my list!!
Re: Anyone else gonna be broke this holiday?
07/20/08 12:09 pm | #8
im already broke. damn house note! hahahahaha
Re: Anyone else gonna be broke this holiday?
07/20/08 12:10 pm | #9
the trick to properly rationing your holiday money is buying everything you want as fast as possible then telling everyone, "sorry i just got you this toy from the 25 cent machines outside wal-mart but i am completely broke," and you won't be lying and they will just say something stupid like, "dude i'm just happy you thought about me!
" and that's a big mission: accomplished right there

Re: Anyone else gonna be broke this holiday?
07/20/08 12:21 pm | #10
Quote by ReverendMeta:
the trick to properly rationing your holiday money is buying everything you want as fast as possible then telling everyone, "sorry i just got you this toy from the 25 cent machines outside wal-mart but i am completely broke," and you won't be lying and they will just say something stupid like, "dude i'm just happy you thought about me!
" and that's a big mission: accomplished right there

Mission Accomplished??
More like: Achievement Unlocked!!
Re: Anyone else gonna be broke this holiday?
07/20/08 12:22 pm | #11
Quote by ReverendMeta:
the trick to properly rationing your holiday money is buying everything you want as fast as possible then telling everyone, "sorry i just got you this toy from the 25 cent machines outside wal-mart but i am completely broke," and you won't be lying and they will just say something stupid like, "dude i'm just happy you thought about me!
" and that's a big mission: accomplished right there

Thats how you do it right there!
I start my christmas the year before, so right now I have everyone finished and can think about myself right now

Re: Anyone else gonna be broke this holiday?
07/20/08 1:55 pm | #13
RB, GH, Fable 2, maybe saints row 2 depending on the reviews
Re: Anyone else gonna be broke this holiday?
07/20/08 2:29 pm | #14
1, 2, 5, 8, 13 and 15 for sure but im still thinking about 3. i need to start putting the money away if i want to keep up. plus side to not having a girlfriend this holiday season, i may be able to get all these games before christmas lol
Re: Anyone else gonna be broke this holiday?
07/20/08 3:10 pm | #15
yeah looks like I'll be pretty broke...but I guess thats what student loans are for hahahahah