Archived: An answer to your burning question!
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Re: An answer to your burning question!
07/01/08 8:48 pm | #61
That just goes to prove my point.................JK LOL!!!
Re: An answer to your burning question!
07/02/08 2:22 am | #63
Quote by PSORaine:
LOL, TK, IDK... I'd rather have a family so involved in their own lives they leave ME alone!
LOL my son got sick after we got here, and now they all are, and they're like "It's YOUR fault we're sick!" to him...
They're pretty bad though- not the same as yours, more like- self righteous, who love to tell me what a fuck up I am, and bring up every bad decision I've made in the last 13 years
LOL my son got sick after we got here, and now they all are, and they're like "It's YOUR fault we're sick!" to him...
They're pretty bad though- not the same as yours, more like- self righteous, who love to tell me what a fuck up I am, and bring up every bad decision I've made in the last 13 years

well God's Dam dont they sound so supportive O-o
Re: An answer to your burning question!
07/02/08 2:30 am | #65
no im srs
its like "god (insert raines childs name here) you got us sick"
"god (insert raines name here, unless they called you raine, thatd be roflmfaool material), this is just like that time 7 years ago when you messed it up then too"
"(insert raines name) your such a screw up!"
god i wish MY family was that supportive lol
"go take a walk in the park! get some fresh air!"
shhka shhka shhka
its like "god (insert raines childs name here) you got us sick"
"god (insert raines name here, unless they called you raine, thatd be roflmfaool material), this is just like that time 7 years ago when you messed it up then too"
"(insert raines name) your such a screw up!"
god i wish MY family was that supportive lol
"go take a walk in the park! get some fresh air!"
shhka shhka shhka
Re: An answer to your burning question!
07/02/08 3:50 am | #67
Quote by PSORaine:
lol yeah, but you can read that as my mom's passive aggressive way of saying "Get the hell out of my way for a while!"
My mom: "Your son needs air! Little boys need to play outside!"
Me: "We just got back from the park 2 hours ago... we left because he wasn't listening to me"
My mom: "Well he'd listen if you were a better parent!
You're totally ineffective!"
Me: "He's just sitting there, playing DS"
My mom:"And you're turning him into a vegetable! You weren't raised to sit and rot in some escape from reality like that! He's going to turn into some kind of delinquent! We spent 24 hours a day with you! You were raised right!"
Me: "And I'm a fuck-up... good parenting."
My mom: "Kids turn out the way they do no matter what you do!"
Then she starts talking about how my shirt makes me look like I'm gigantic, and why don't I buy some nice clothes, because my ass looks fat in these jeans. At this point I walk away and start banging my head into a wall for a while...
My mom: "Your son needs air! Little boys need to play outside!"
Me: "We just got back from the park 2 hours ago... we left because he wasn't listening to me"
My mom: "Well he'd listen if you were a better parent!
You're totally ineffective!"
Me: "He's just sitting there, playing DS"
My mom:"And you're turning him into a vegetable! You weren't raised to sit and rot in some escape from reality like that! He's going to turn into some kind of delinquent! We spent 24 hours a day with you! You were raised right!"
Me: "And I'm a fuck-up... good parenting."
My mom: "Kids turn out the way they do no matter what you do!"
Then she starts talking about how my shirt makes me look like I'm gigantic, and why don't I buy some nice clothes, because my ass looks fat in these jeans. At this point I walk away and start banging my head into a wall for a while...
poor wall

Re: An answer to your burning question!
07/02/08 8:34 am | #68
"It's really nice outside! Why don't you go play in traffic!"
"It's really nice outside! Why don't you go play in traffic!"
Re: An answer to your burning question!
07/02/08 1:12 pm | #69
traffic is not fun evol. it hurts >_<
im sorry raine but i almost lol'd at that
im sorry raine but i almost lol'd at that
Re: An answer to your burning question!
07/02/08 1:19 pm | #70
Quote by PSORaine:
My mom: "Kids turn out the way they do no matter what you do!"
I could be wrong, but didn't she just contradict her whole statement by that one little line?...LoL
I'm on 23 and my parents stay the fork out of my life, I spend time with them and such and feel blessed we have a good relationship, I know it may not always be that way. I respect my elders, but every once in a while they will try getting anal about sometime, in which I break out the
"you know the only reason I am living in this house with you guys is to help you out with grandma, I could go find an apartment right so leave me the hell alone"
and they usually do, lol.
Raine, I know your not looking for sympathy, but Damn....Im really sorry your having to put up with that, gets on "MY" nerves hearing "YOU" talk about what they
Re: An answer to your burning question!
07/02/08 1:33 pm | #71
I remember the day I had had enough. It went ok, I think that they were even trying to see how far i'd go before I snaped. I went off on them and then there was tottal silence. My dad got up out of his chair and said " Ok Son, we'll do it your way from now on" Best Feeling in the world because I knew he ment it.
Re: An answer to your burning question!
07/02/08 6:10 pm | #73
If it's any consolation, I moved half way across the US when I was 27 to put some space between me and the folks. Most of my high school friends all scattered after college, it just took me a bit longer to decide where I wanted to land.
Now the parents come visit me in my house and are subject to my house rules. Hey mom, why don't you go take a walk and get some fresh air while I'm working over here. =)
Time fixes most parent issues as long as you don't go all Lyle and Erik Menendez.
Now the parents come visit me in my house and are subject to my house rules. Hey mom, why don't you go take a walk and get some fresh air while I'm working over here. =)
Time fixes most parent issues as long as you don't go all Lyle and Erik Menendez.
Re: An answer to your burning question!
07/05/08 11:20 pm | #75
Be careful she might be planing to do something to it. She probably looks at it like it's the Devil and is just waiting for you to leave.