Archived: Alison Carroll preparing for Lara Croft
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Alison Carroll preparing for Lara Croft
08/22/08 10:33 am | #1
I really don't care for the Tomb Raider series one way or another, but I think that Alison Carroll is smoking hot. This is a video showing how she is preparing to become the new Lara Croft for promotional purposes.
Becoming Lara Croft
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Re: Alison Carroll preparing for Lara Croft
08/22/08 2:11 pm | #3
She's very beautiful, but I thought Karima Adebibe was much better in the role.
Re: Alison Carroll preparing for Lara Croft
08/22/08 2:17 pm | #4
Re: Alison Carroll preparing for Lara Croft
08/22/08 4:32 pm | #5
Very nice! How much?
Re: Alison Carroll preparing for Lara Croft
08/22/08 7:59 pm | #8
i approve.
Re: Alison Carroll preparing for Lara Croft
08/23/08 4:55 pm | #10
Quote by majority ru1e:
shes charming, athletic and graceful with the guns.
Lol, I must agree...
Re: Alison Carroll preparing for Lara Croft
08/23/08 5:01 pm | #12
She is smoking hot, being a huge supporter of the series it makes it even sweetier
Re: Alison Carroll preparing for Lara Croft
08/24/08 10:12 pm | #13
Re: Alison Carroll preparing for Lara Croft
08/24/08 10:16 pm | #14
She can raid my tomb anytime.
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