Archived: Alien video
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Re: Alien video
06/01/08 1:03 pm | #32
Actually, this video has been proven by experts as having no special effects added to the tape. I believe they are still in the stage of deciding whether or not this could have been a puppet.
I'm surprised the military doesn't just say it was one of their flares
I'm surprised the military doesn't just say it was one of their flares
Re: Alien video
06/01/08 1:16 pm | #33
Quote by Warlord Luthias:
Actually, this video has been proven by experts as having no special effects added to the tape. I believe they are still in the stage of deciding whether or not this could have been a puppet.
I'm surprised the military doesn't just say it was one of their flares
I'm surprised the military doesn't just say it was one of their flares
I'm surprised anyone is giving this video any time or thought. It is completely ridiculous just to entertain the notion that this video might be genuine.
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
I just think that too many things need to happen and the their isn't a feasible chance of life happening again.
I hear you BigDaddy. The chances of matter coming together to form life are so small; I can definitely see how you formed your opinion.
Re: Alien video
06/01/08 3:59 pm | #34
First with boobie....I dont see why people are entertaining the idea that this video is real. Even if you can't find a mask like this at some shop, with all these puppet making masters out there, it can be made.
Now with ZuDaddy, I wasn't trying to offend you by having all that "arrogant" talk, it wasn't my intentions but yes this is a pretty fun thread.
What I was saying is what Raine stated as well. There are billions of galaxies in the observable universe and with the local group of galaxies, comprising of 35 galaxies, one being ours The Milky Way. We can't see them all. With all the planets, and stars, and suns and everything that is out there that we DONT know about. I am just not going to think we are the only living planet out there, when we haven't even seen 1/3rd of everything that is out there.
Everyone can believe what they want to and that is cool. I am by no means shunning someone for believe something different. I kind of enjoy having this discussion just to hear other people's valid points.
And now Im just going to leave it at ThAt...
Now with ZuDaddy, I wasn't trying to offend you by having all that "arrogant" talk, it wasn't my intentions but yes this is a pretty fun thread.
What I was saying is what Raine stated as well. There are billions of galaxies in the observable universe and with the local group of galaxies, comprising of 35 galaxies, one being ours The Milky Way. We can't see them all. With all the planets, and stars, and suns and everything that is out there that we DONT know about. I am just not going to think we are the only living planet out there, when we haven't even seen 1/3rd of everything that is out there.
Everyone can believe what they want to and that is cool. I am by no means shunning someone for believe something different. I kind of enjoy having this discussion just to hear other people's valid points.
And now Im just going to leave it at ThAt...
Re: Alien video
06/16/08 10:34 am | #36
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
I don't see how anyone can believe in aliens, if you believe in aliens you may as well believe in unicorns
I believe in Unicorns...LOL!!
Re: Alien video
06/19/08 1:45 am | #39
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
I read about that story, that's a freak of nature not a unicorn
nu-uh...THAT my a unicorn
stop bursting my forking bubble....LOL!