Archived: Alien video
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Re: Alien video
05/31/08 11:33 pm | #18
No way in hell this video's legit. I think life might exist somewhere else in the universe, but I doubt any of it is intelligent. If it is, it doesn't matter; Because of the enormous distances between galaxies, I can't see us ever interacting with it.
The probability of life randomly generating is unimaginably small, but yet the universe is unimaginably large. If it happened once, it can undoubtedly happen again.
The probability of life randomly generating is unimaginably small, but yet the universe is unimaginably large. If it happened once, it can undoubtedly happen again.
Re: Alien video
06/01/08 12:17 am | #20
Quote by PSORaine:
Riiight... we all know it's your OWN ass you're concerned about.
You are damn skippy it is, lol.
I am not that arrogant to believe that we are the only living being in the whole universe and galazies and what not. I agree with boobie though, if there is life somewhere else, I doubt we would come in contact with it.
But me and my ass aren't taking any chances.
Unicorns are just stupid, lol.
Re: Alien video
06/01/08 1:28 am | #22
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
I don't see how anyone can believe in aliens, if you believe in aliens you may as well believe in unicorns and witches and Santa......oh whats that? I think I'm getting a alien transmission!
what..... there's no santa.......-thanks for ruining it for me....jeesh
Re: Alien video
06/01/08 2:30 am | #23
Re: Alien video
06/01/08 8:59 am | #26
Quote by XxJesusNinjaxX:
santa is gay....what next?
Re: Alien video
06/01/08 12:28 pm | #30