Archived: A new door just opened
Posted Under: Blogs
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A new door just opened
07/07/07 2:56 pm | #1
As many of you know, we have been struggling to establish a continued presence of news, articles and reviews on XboxAmerica. Well, something I have been pursuing for several months finally came to fruition and hopefully by this time next week I will be able to give you the skinny on what it is.
Re: A new door just opened
07/07/07 3:04 pm | #2
man why can the door be FAT. FAt is the new skinny!!!
Re: A new door just opened
07/07/07 4:36 pm | #3
It is pretty dang cool in my book.
Re: A new door just opened
07/08/07 9:43 pm | #4
I want insider info Z!

Re: A new door just opened
07/08/07 11:57 pm | #5
Soon enough, soon enough
Re: A new door just opened
07/09/07 2:12 am | #6
Why don't I know about this?
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