Archived: A New One?!
Posted Under: Gaming
A New One?!
01/12/08 3:00 pm | #1
Well guys the challenge is done and the winner was stignob 10k so congratz to him =]. But anyways I made a new challenge called XBA FTW! As you can tell I want as many XBA members in this even if you don't post on this site just join it you will have fun! It will last a month (thats right a month) the reward is bragging rights again so no pressure. SO PLEASE JOIN
Re: A New One?!
01/12/08 3:07 pm | #2
I joined. I don't get achievements anymore because all I play is Cod 4 online but what the hell. I'll give it a shot.
Re: A New One?!
01/12/08 4:30 pm | #3
i joined ^^
Re: A New One?!
01/12/08 4:30 pm | #4
wooooo let's do it baby!
damn i wish you had posted this before i owned Avatar:TLA:TBE in 4 minutes
damn i wish you had posted this before i owned Avatar:TLA:TBE in 4 minutes
Re: A New One?!
01/13/08 1:58 pm | #5
Quote by ReverendMeta:
wooooo let's do it baby!
damn i wish you had posted this before i owned Avatar:TLA:TBE in 4 minutes
damn i wish you had posted this before i owned Avatar:TLA:TBE in 4 minutes
haha i need to rent that game
Re: A New One?!
01/14/08 7:38 pm | #6
still waiting on a few others
Re: A New One?!
01/14/08 8:50 pm | #7
Im waiting =D
Re: A New One?!
01/17/08 9:21 pm | #8
come one guys i want like 10 ppl
Re: A New One?!
01/17/08 9:24 pm | #9
woo hoo
Re: A New One?!
01/17/08 9:55 pm | #10
i joined again, this time for real its just for fun, i dont actually care about winning haha.
Re: A New One?!
02/02/08 4:21 pm | #11
The challenge begins =]]
Go go GS mongerss
Go go GS mongerss
Re: A New One?!
02/02/08 5:55 pm | #12
that's the sound of people grabbin Avatar:TBE to get some mad Best Buy ciz-ards
that's the sound of people grabbin Avatar:TBE to get some mad Best Buy ciz-ards
Re: A New One?!
02/03/08 11:04 am | #13
if i use Avatar is that cheating xD
Re: A New One?!
02/03/08 2:31 pm | #14
Quote by Tehmuffinator:
if i use Avatar is that cheating xD
why is avater considered cheating? is it easy 1000 or somthin?
Re: A New One?!
02/03/08 4:20 pm | #15
How do I join it? Jeez I forgot already.