The Kohl's Ad shows on page 3 of the Thursday paper it shows 50% Entire Stock of Video Games. No exclusions listed. The sale is good during the Early Bird and Night Owl times listed below.
Early Bird (8-5-06 7am-1pm) and Night Owl (8-4-06 3pm-11pm) specials are good online too, not just B&M. But there aren't as many online to choose from in store. (Click on Toys at the bottom to go to the Video Game System Lists)
Scroll through the list of video game systems in the toy section of the site. It should include Original Xbox, Nintendo DS, GBA, Gamecube, Playstation 2, PSP. They don't list any Xbox 360 stuff online, and I am not sure if B&M has any so YMMV on that system.