Archived: 3.... the most hated number
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: 3.... the most hated number
07/03/07 9:25 pm | #31
great idea
Re: 3.... the most hated number
07/03/07 10:01 pm | #32
made a blog.. feel free to read
Re: 3.... the most hated number
07/04/07 12:56 pm | #33
Sorry man they are closed today i wrote a blog about it if you want to read it. Oh ya i almost forgot the are a whole bunch of idiots working over there!!!(I would say something worse but i dont feel like it!)
Re: 3.... the most hated number
07/04/07 8:47 pm | #34
god well it is a holiday i don't blame them on that but yoyr blog says they might not have even worked on it god its been like 2 weeks for you
Re: 3.... the most hated number
07/04/07 11:01 pm | #35
More than 5-8 business! And i am getting agravated but atleast im at my cuzes house play some WII it is nasty! The only things is that my controller died and he needs to recharge the batterys!!(hes an idiot and only has one extra battary(hay maby we can get half of the controller to work))(just kiding)But it was still a good time!!!
Re: 3.... the most hated number
07/04/07 11:16 pm | #36
ya the wii is alright but i mean its annoying i mean i could understand when the xbox people would be busy becuz with the launch bugs but the only thing that is messing up the boxs are gh2
Re: 3.... the most hated number
07/04/07 11:38 pm | #37
Mine crapped out near launch, but I haven;t had any problems with GHII. *knock on wood*
Re: 3.... the most hated number
07/05/07 12:50 am | #38
yeah hopefully your one of the lucky 1's
Re: 3.... the most hated number
07/05/07 5:41 pm | #39
Well mine died from an arcade game(Small Arms)! But i think it was from soooo much use that i put into it! It had red lines or dots(depending on the game)before it died! I thought it was the T.V. wires!(but id mad me mad cuz i play on a High-Def T.V.(i didnt want the T.V. to brake))
Re: 3.... the most hated number
07/06/07 8:15 pm | #40
Yeah now it says its costing microsoft 1 billion dollars cuz all these boxs are breaking!!
Re: 3.... the most hated number
07/09/07 11:34 am | #41
Re: 3.... the most hated number
07/09/07 11:10 pm | #42
shipping it tomorow morning!! ( i forgot to bag my 360 and put it in the box but after being on hold for 20 minutes the guy said it was fine) and they asked if i put like a number of some sort that tey gave me in the beggining i think its my repair number or something
Re: 3.... the most hated number
07/10/07 1:35 am | #43
i have no clue(like i said i didnt get any number to put in my box(maby because i had one red light not three)
Re: 3.... the most hated number
07/10/07 3:09 pm | #44

Re: 3.... the most hated number
08/21/07 6:33 pm | #45
Its a number they gave you, you really dont have to put it in there. Its actually better if you dont. When you dont put it in there they dont repair your system they send you a BRAND NEW replacment system(core system no HD) but its brand new.