Archived: 3 red lights, the eternal saga
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Re: 3 red lights, the eternal saga
11/28/07 6:11 pm | #16
Re: 3 red lights, the eternal saga
11/28/07 6:12 pm | #17
ima tell you now if this xbox 360 (Ashland) fails now im gonna say screw it and buy another 3 so if i get screwd again ill have to back ups ya so ugh microsoft trying to screw us over. i mean we put our life savings into these things (jking) and u want to screw us with red lights i mean its not christmas all year round i mean the lights coauld have been blue ya know cause red, green, and white is christmas, idk mabey they are just really religious. w/e ok thats all 4 my rant thx 4 listening and if you didnt well then you suck.
Re: 3 red lights, the eternal saga
11/28/07 6:15 pm | #18
In all fairness, only three of the 360's we're BRAND NEW. All others we're 'fixed', m$ refurbs, or trades. That said, all three red lighted with slightly more than average use.
Re: 3 red lights, the eternal saga
11/28/07 6:18 pm | #19
i.. guess... thats good. but w/e ok .
Re: 3 red lights, the eternal saga
11/28/07 6:25 pm | #20
For those who HAVEN'T seen it and are not mentally challenged...
the newer, much more festive RROD:
the newer, much more festive RROD:
Re: 3 red lights, the eternal saga
11/28/07 6:33 pm | #21
Go to and you will see that alot has changed under the hood since the first launch model. I know that the Elite runs alot cooler than any other 360 that i've had. As for those of you that are still playing on launch systems, thats great!....also gamescore dosn't = play time. 12,000 hands of texas Hol'dem and over 5000 games of Lost planet. During that time my game score didn't hardly move.
Re: 3 red lights, the eternal saga
11/28/07 6:39 pm | #22
Quote by TK Chillin:
Go to and you will see that alot has changed under the hood since the first launch model. I know that the Elite runs alot cooler than any other 360 that i've had. As for those of you that are still playing on launch systems, thats great!....also gamescore dosn't = play time. 12,000 hands of texas Hol'dem and over 5000 games of Lost planet. During that time my game score didn't hardly move.
thank you for proving my point that gamerscore does NOT equal play time.
Re: 3 red lights, the eternal saga
11/28/07 6:42 pm | #23
The falcon (65nm) boxes are remarkedbly better. I would invest in one if I couldn't return or fix them myself.
And no shit, gamerscore doesn't equal time played. Isn't rocket science there.... but comparing gamercards reveals all. *rubs crystal ball*
And no shit, gamerscore doesn't equal time played. Isn't rocket science there.... but comparing gamercards reveals all. *rubs crystal ball*
Re: 3 red lights, the eternal saga
11/28/07 6:42 pm | #24
ya your kinda right in a way but well if you have over 200,000 then a you play to much or you just hacked and did games saves for over 5 hours
Re: 3 red lights, the eternal saga
11/28/07 6:44 pm | #25
would gamesaves take five hours? more like 5 minutes, right?
Re: 3 red lights, the eternal saga
11/28/07 6:46 pm | #26
well it only takes 5 mins to do a couple just amagine havineg to do it until you have over 200k???????????????!!!!!!!????????!!!!?!?!?!?!??!!??!?!/ ahhhhh mind fuck!!!
Re: 3 red lights, the eternal saga
11/28/07 6:51 pm | #27
Man, if I gamesaved I would of saved myself some 360 hassles, lol.
Re: 3 red lights, the eternal saga
11/28/07 8:01 pm | #28
haha yeah gamesaves are for people that cant comprehend the words hard work
Re: 3 red lights, the eternal saga
11/28/07 9:22 pm | #29
Gamesaves not a good idea right now, with the man weilding the ban hammer.
Re: 3 red lights, the eternal saga
11/29/07 3:50 am | #30
Quote by sensei jimjom:
Well i am on my 7th and 8th 360\'s.
7, \"petey\", has a dying dvd drive, with lots of fun freezing and disc errors to be had!
and 8, \"veronica\", has joined the ranks of so many other boxes, with a lovely display of red lights.
Luckily, i know how to fix these bastards better than microsoft, lol. I was up all night, taking apart veronica. In the end, she seems to be alive again. Attempting to run ASSASSins creed, she froze, but i think shes just getting used to her new pants, i mean, parts.
I want a 9th box now.
Anyone else feel the pain as of late?
7, \"petey\", has a dying dvd drive, with lots of fun freezing and disc errors to be had!
and 8, \"veronica\", has joined the ranks of so many other boxes, with a lovely display of red lights.
Luckily, i know how to fix these bastards better than microsoft, lol. I was up all night, taking apart veronica. In the end, she seems to be alive again. Attempting to run ASSASSins creed, she froze, but i think shes just getting used to her new pants, i mean, parts.
I want a 9th box now.

Anyone else feel the pain as of late?
That sucks man! I'm still (thankfully) on my 1st box, I've had no problems whatsoever with this besides my AC adaptor cord going out all of a sudden.
Called up Microsoft, they helped me out a ton by sending me the part i already had working, so I just made a quick fix by rigging a PC cord, better than dealing with their initial "troubleshooting" steps another 2 or 3 times.