#2 Look who's talking. If you spend most days building kitten orphanages and serving hot soup to homeless rainbows, then yes, you can tell us that gaming is "a waste of time." If you sit on the couch instead - watching sports, voting for reality television or browsing celebrity gossip blogs - then please shut your hypocritical mouth.
#3 Control yourself. That game pad is not a rock and you are not an angry gorilla. Smashing the buttons with all your ferocious might is not going to make your character any faster, stronger or smarter. It will probably break our $50 piece of equipment, however, so just stop.
#5 It's your fault. Not the game's. Not the controller's. Not the connection's. Not the lighting's. Yours.
#6 Quit quoting us out of context. No matter how many times you repeat the line for the amusement of our friends and family, "Can you help me level my paladin tonight?" still made perfect sense within the framework and rules of the game. Seriously!
#8 Shush! If you don't like people talking during movies, walking in front of the television screen or singing over your favorite songs, then - for the love of God - don't interrupt us during a game's cutscene. The alien, the dragon and the talking spellbook were having a very important conversation...
#9 "Hey, are you winning?!" Umm, this is an RPG with hundreds of quests and paths over dozens of hours, so it's really hard to s-... "Cool! How many points you got?" Sigh.
#10 If you suck, admit you suck. Give up the guitar. Step away from the drums. Let someone else join the race or fight. You had your chance and you had your fun. At this point, you're spoiling the fun for the entire party. Know when to walk away with at least a shred of dignity and goodwill intact.
#11 Dur dur dur dur dur. Oh yeah, bumping into us in the middle of a competitive match is hilarious. Reaching over and messing with our controller is effing hysterical. Dying or crashing on purpose is the funniest thing ever. Now go play with your blocks and let the grown ups enjoy their real game.
#12 Time out. Oops! Your fat fingers have done it again. They've "accidentally" paused the game, or hit the dashboard button, at the very moment you were about to lose. Funny, that.
13 Please don't patronize. Don't ask us what we're playing and what's going on in the game unless you actually want to know. Complete disregard would be preferable to your barely veiled expression of disinterest and disdain.
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