Archived: 2010 Biggest Disappointment?
Posted Under: 360 Talk
Re: 2010 Biggest Disappointment?
01/01/11 9:13 pm | #16
holy hell...i had pushed MoH so far out of my mind, i completely forgot about it...god that was a disappointment too
Re: 2010 Biggest Disappointment?
01/01/11 10:03 pm | #17
Pretty much all of 2010.
Re: 2010 Biggest Disappointment?
01/01/11 10:15 pm | #18
Fable 3, nuff said.
Re: 2010 Biggest Disappointment?
01/01/11 10:45 pm | #19
For me personally, it was Reach. Without a doubt. It wasn't the worst game of the year, not even close, but it was certainly my biggest disappointment. Mostly because I was a raving Halo fanboy and had extremely high expectations....then Bungie sold me a game with half of the MP maps made in Forge, something anyone could have done. And not only that, they also managed to include a nice portion of reskinned maps from a game they made 10 years ago. It was a half-hearted effort at best, showing litttle to no creativity...and it killed the game for me.
I'm not a big fan of armor abilities but I definitely would have learned to live with them since they weren't really 'game breakers', but I refuse to live with the fact that they sold me the same shit they sold me 10 years ago. I'm glad 343 is taking over the Halo series because it's extremely obvious that Bungie is tired of it and wants to move on.
I'm not a big fan of armor abilities but I definitely would have learned to live with them since they weren't really 'game breakers', but I refuse to live with the fact that they sold me the same shit they sold me 10 years ago. I'm glad 343 is taking over the Halo series because it's extremely obvious that Bungie is tired of it and wants to move on.
Re: 2010 Biggest Disappointment?
01/01/11 10:59 pm | #20
2010. Too much tragedy in my family.
Re: 2010 Biggest Disappointment?
01/01/11 11:10 pm | #21
I'd have to say that Bad Company 2 was my biggest disappointment. I thought the campaign was just lousy and I loved the first Bad Company's campaign. I was never a big fan of the MP for either game and I gave up on BC2's fairly quickly. I've always preferred COD's lobby system and game type variety. BC and BC2 are fun if you like to game in a party all the time but they suck for solo players joining random games.
Re: 2010 Biggest Disappointment?
01/01/11 11:12 pm | #22
I want to say Black Ops but the game really isn't that bad. I wasn't really let down by any games I was looking forward to.. but none of the big sequels lived up to previous games. Black Ops is no where near as fun as MW2, even if MW2 had some huge issues.
Re: Re: 2010 Biggest Disappointment?
01/01/11 11:13 pm | #23
Quote by IRiSH:
BC and BC2 are fun if you like to game in a party all the time but they suck for solo players joining random games.
Dang really?
I play alone all the time and I just wreck on fools.
Re: 2010 Biggest Disappointment?
01/01/11 11:18 pm | #24
MoH so shitty...
Re: 2010 Biggest Disappointment?
01/01/11 11:21 pm | #25
dead rising 2 for sure. game was ok at best..but after 1 playthrough i just couldnt take any more of it..
reach wasnt a disappointment per se, but it couldve been a lot better too...
blops was deff an improvement over treyarchs last fail of w@w, but it still doesnt live up to the experience of playing not sure if any cod ever will. after so long, they all just become the same shit, over and over...
reach wasnt a disappointment per se, but it couldve been a lot better too...
blops was deff an improvement over treyarchs last fail of w@w, but it still doesnt live up to the experience of playing not sure if any cod ever will. after so long, they all just become the same shit, over and over...
Re: 2010 Biggest Disappointment?
01/02/11 1:05 am | #26
The amount of glitches and bugs in Fallout New Vegas, got it at midnight on release night and haven't been able to play it for more than 4 hours due to my game CONSTANTLY FREEZING...they may have fixed it with the new DLC and patch, but I haven't even gone back to it to try yet.
Re: 2010 Biggest Disappointment?
01/02/11 1:58 am | #27
My life....thats a game right.....right????

Re: 2010 Biggest Disappointment?
01/02/11 4:38 am | #28
Clash of the Titans. It could have been an awesome hack n slash or even a mediocre God of War clone, but instead it just sucked and was boring.
Re: Re: 2010 Biggest Disappointment?
01/02/11 7:04 am | #29
Quote by Circus:
The amount of glitches and bugs in Fallout New Vegas, got it at midnight on release night and haven't been able to play it for more than 4 hours due to my game CONSTANTLY FREEZING...they may have fixed it with the new DLC and patch, but I haven't even gone back to it to try yet.
It froze on me the first time i played the game during the opening cutscene lol..
Re: Re: 2010 Biggest Disappointment?
01/02/11 10:10 am | #30
Quote by Meta:
Clash of the Titans. It could have been an awesome hack n slash or even a mediocre God of War clone, but instead it just sucked and was boring.
i felt the same about the movie. i heard so much shit about how the movie was freakin awesome and what not, so of course, like the sensible guy i am, i pirated sucked so much ass it wasnt even funny. i didnt even finish it. i triedto stay w/ it as long as i could but it was just a terrible movie imo