Archived: 2008 Expected Blockbusters
Posted Under: Xbox News
Re: 2008 Expected Blockbusters
05/21/08 1:45 pm | #31
Prototype looks like it could be a major hit...Also GOW2 and Star Wars...some many to buy better start saving now
Re: 2008 Expected Blockbusters
05/21/08 2:17 pm | #32
Quote by CaptainMayhem88:
will do, I'll do it when I sign on tonight....if you're on we need to play some RBSV2 a buddy let me borrow his copy and I need someone to show me the ropes to that game.
Uh-oh Meg, I feel another trek through T-Hunts on Realistic coming on

Re: 2008 Expected Blockbusters
05/21/08 5:02 pm | #34
last night we did them all with rev
was fun! tonight we are actually going to help another friend.. maybe one night we'll do the terrorist hunts on realistic with you, it takes about an hour and a half to do all them, not too bad.. murdertown is T^R%E#$

Re: 2008 Expected Blockbusters
05/21/08 10:04 pm | #35
last night i whooped hektic and rev's butt on r6v2.. it was me vs them!!!! woohoo. they sucked
first like 20 seconds i killed both of them

Re: 2008 Expected Blockbusters
05/21/08 10:06 pm | #36
as to what i said before.. don't let them lie to you, they will deny it since they're boys

Re: 2008 Expected Blockbusters
05/21/08 10:08 pm | #37
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
last night i whooped hektic and rev's butt on r6v2.. it was me vs them!!!! woohoo. they sucked
first like 20 seconds i killed both of them 

wow, way to stretch the truth meg. Rev and i were definitley whoopin u until help came along.
Re: 2008 Expected Blockbusters
05/21/08 10:13 pm | #38
whateverwhatever more like the opposite, your lucky maj came in and 3 of you took me down, that was the only way it was happening!
Re: 2008 Expected Blockbusters
05/21/08 11:06 pm | #39
I guess I'm going to have to rent this to see what's so awsome about it.
If it's not, I'll hunt you all down mercilessly and do terrible things to your mangled corpse.
If it's not, I'll hunt you all down mercilessly and do terrible things to your mangled corpse.
Re: 2008 Expected Blockbusters
05/21/08 11:17 pm | #40
I guess you will!