Archived: 2008 Expected Blockbusters
Posted Under: Xbox News
Re: 2008 Expected Blockbusters
05/19/08 5:12 am | #17
From what I've seen of Force Unleashed, it looks like the real deal. Hopefully they didn't just throw together a bunch of garbage to make people like me throw away my hard earned money on George Lucas' ever growing pile!!
If it is what they say it is, then this is the game I've been waiting for since the first time I saw the blue letters appear on screen! "A LONG TIME AGO, IN A PLACE FAR, FAR AWAY..."
If it is what they say it is, then this is the game I've been waiting for since the first time I saw the blue letters appear on screen! "A LONG TIME AGO, IN A PLACE FAR, FAR AWAY..."
Re: 2008 Expected Blockbusters
05/19/08 8:16 am | #18
Psyched for Gears 2!!!!
Re: 2008 Expected Blockbusters
05/19/08 8:34 am | #19
me too hektic, i'm going to sh00t you, a lot!!!

Re: 2008 Expected Blockbusters
05/19/08 8:53 am | #20
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
me too hektic, i'm going to sh00t you, a lot!!! 

Aw, you do that already

Re: 2008 Expected Blockbusters
05/19/08 11:40 am | #22
Ninja Gaiden II may require you to, in fact, be a ninja to play! The last one was brutal! c'mon!!
Re: 2008 Expected Blockbusters
05/19/08 3:26 pm | #24
Quote by Hektic Juggalo:
Aw, you do that already
If you guys are ditching RB6V2, I might have to get UT3 so I won't be bored 

well.. hopefully ut3 turns out to be good, cause if so.. BAM

Re: 2008 Expected Blockbusters
05/20/08 6:21 pm | #26
Quote by noob jobz:
Star Wars Force Unleashed could be one of my favorite games of the year if they simply had the lightsaber capable of slicing through people. What I do not want to see is the lightsaber just knock people to the side. The sabers were meant for cutting, SO LETS SEE SOME DISSECTION!!!If not it will still be fun but very dissapointing. I dont want a wussy lightsaber. Give me a manly one.
Other than that I think GOTY goes to GoW 2. It will completely own me for a good year at least of straight multiplayer.
Other than that I think GOTY goes to GoW 2. It will completely own me for a good year at least of straight multiplayer.
That would save the game for me since there's multiplayer on the 360

Re: 2008 Expected Blockbusters
05/21/08 6:50 am | #28
Quote by PSORaine:
they should have said f u to Lucas and made the wookie game.
Yeah! droids don't pull peoples arms off when they lose!!

Re: 2008 Expected Blockbusters
05/21/08 9:17 am | #29
Quote by CaptainMayhem88:
Meg you and me are going to be playing tons of UT3 if you're picking it up day 1, cause I've already got it pre-ordered and everything.
just send a fr