on a more serious note, video game sales won't help the economy, dude.
sure, companies get the cash, taxes are dealt with, yada yada. but to truly understand this country's debt you have to look much, much further. like uh... stock markets... wall street. ring a bell?
you also have to understand production jobs.
at this point, i fear for mine, as well as many others. people just aren't BUYING right now.
you're young, bro. finish high school and pick up a trade.
something that this country is going to NEED in the future.
don't go to school for art or writing or some gay shit.
jen's brother is making a SHIT load of money with computers. i won't say more, but even one of his previous employers are shutting down. not too many career choices are safe. luckily, my wife went into nursing. thank GOD.
not trying to scare you, but thems the facts. look into your future!