yea coolio, better watch out

i blame the parents and the kid tbh. the parents were seemingly no where to be found, and the kid was dumb enough to let a stranger come live w/ him...
maybe because this is the state of ohio we're talking about?? lulz jk jk jk (IM JUST KIDDING JESUS, DONT TAKE IT TOO PERSONAL!!....or am i kidding? >-> mauhahahahha)
ever notice there is very rarely a mention of the goods of a game? and if there is one, its because a kid or whomever saved a life...wth much? why cant they mention that the 2.5mill copies of gow2 sold on the opening day couldve contributed to helping out the sucky economy (maybe not a large amount, but it might) or how vid games can edumacate people, and teach them new words or skills or something (example a: you cant go out into the real world and start shooting up everybody, and expect to not have cops on you. gta and sr teach you, cops WILL come, and they CAN and WILL kill you lol)
wth much...