Archived: :(
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02/14/09 1:29 pm | #1
Boy do I feel like shit right now! I forgot to get my moms a Valentines Day gift. I was confronted earlier today as well. I know that I am going to have to get a late gift but can anyone here recommend a gift for a mother to say "Happy Valentines Day and sorry that I forgot because all of this bullshit I am going through?" At least she understands that I go through a lot of busy stuff during the weekdays and the weekends are not such a break for me as well. I can not believe that I did not get her a gift! Damn, Fuck, Shit!
Re: :(
02/14/09 4:38 pm | #3
great idea raine, sounds like someone tried to pull that over on you before...haha...try and be smooth...might work out for you
Re: :(
02/14/09 5:47 pm | #5
Lol, Sounds Good. Only issue is that there are no nearby flower shops. I do not mind Fed Ex's shipping rate but god knows where the closest Flower shop is.....
Re: :(
02/14/09 6:22 pm | #6
I just remembered, I didn't get my mother anything.....I didn't get nothing for my GF either...waitaminute....waitaminute....nevermind.....I don't get 'em anything anyway....Oh, well.
Re: :(
02/24/09 9:33 pm | #8
Thnx for the help, I managed to get her flowers and candles. Maple syrupish smell. (.,mmmmmmm).
Re: :(
02/24/09 10:03 pm | #9
i didnt get anything for my mom.....should i have.....

Re: :(
02/24/09 10:31 pm | #10
I didn't either... I didn't know you were supposed to get your mother Valentine's day presents.
Re: Re: :(
02/25/09 3:38 pm | #13
Quote by PSORaine:
I always have, for my whole life, and I still do when I can afford it. But that's how my family always has been, we get each other gifts for every holiday.
Same Here. It has been almost a tradition to get family Valentine's Day gifts. I mean you love your family right?
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